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4x4 mode and circle routine

By Malcontent.

This is a rather simple and fast way of painting blocky pixels. To use it you need to modify the character set so that each 4×4 tile has a nibble that matches its pattern.

For example:

%xxxx0001 = 00	xxxx0110 = 01
            01		   10	

It looks like this:

A single point than can be bitshifted into position based on whether division of the co-ordinate leaves a carry. The point is then masked into the screen memory location with ORA. Starting with %00001000, LSR once to move the point to the right, and twice to move it down.

Tables speed up the conversion of x y co-ordinates to screen memory locations.

Much like the kernal plot, the registers are reversed. On entry have the x point in the y register and put the y point in the x register. There is no check for out of screen points. That shouldn't be hard to add.

On top of that I've added an implementation of Steve Judd's circle algorithm from C=Hacking #9. The plot routine alone uses few zeropage locations, so it could exit cleanly to BASIC, but the circle routine does not exit cleanly. It uses signed 16-bit integers for the center and the radius. It tries to be crafty in the way it decides what parts of the circle to draw. For smaller circles that don't need to be clipped, the algorithm can be further simplified/sped up. For BASIC compatibility, the variables need to be moved from the zeropage. Any optimizations to my weird clipping routine are welcome.

Download the binary, source, and char data:

!to "fourfour.prg",cbm

zp1 = $fb
zp2 = $fc
zx  = $fd
zy  = $fe
pnt = $fa

;Circle variables are signed 16-bit values

r   = $e0	;Radius
xc  = $e2	;X circle center
yc  = $e4	;Y  "   "
xp  = $e6	;X plot on circle edge
yp  = $e8	;Y  "   "
xd  = $ea	;Transformed point to draw
yd  = $ec	;
tx  = $ee
tmp = $f0	;Single byte

screendia = 93	;If the center of the 
		;circle is on the screen,
		;and the radius is larger 
		;than the screen diagonal,
		;then the circle does not 
		;need to be drawn.

blank = 96		;Offset to chars
			;Also blank char

chars   !bin "junkchars.b"
	*=$c000		;sys49152
	lda $d018	;Point vic to chars
	eor #$e
	sta $d018
	lda #20
	sta xc
	sta yc
	lda #0
	sta xc+1
	sta r+1
	sta yc+1
	lda #5
	sta r
-	inc $d020
	dec $d020
	inc xc
	inc r
	bne -

;This is the main plot routine, a straight 
;shot to here will plot a 4x4 pixel to the
;co-ordinates held in the x and y registers

PLOT 	lda #%00001000
	sta pnt
	bcc +		
	lsr pnt		;Point shifts right
+	tay		;if division has a
	txa		;remainder
	bcc +		
	lsr pnt		;Point moves down
	lsr pnt		;on remainder
+	tax		

;x and y registers now hold 0-24,0-39
;so long as valid numbers went in.
;'pnt' contains the mask for the char.
	lda lotable,x  	;Table holds the
	sta zp1		;leftmost screen
	lda hitable,x	;address of row.
	sta zp2
	lda (zp1),y	;Get screen graphic
	ora pnt		;mask in point.
	sta (zp1),y

	ldx #0
-	lda #blank
	sta $0400,x
	sta $0400+$ff,x
	sta $0400+$ff+$ff,x
	sta $0400+$ff+$ff+$ff,x
	lda #10
	sta $d800,x
	sta $d800+$ff,x
	sta $d800+$ff+$ff,x
	sta $d800+$ff+$ff+$ff,x
	bne -

lotable	!byte $00,$28,$50,$78,$a0,$c8,$f0
	!byte $18,$40,$68,$90,$b8,$e0
	!byte $08,$30,$58,$80,$a8,$d0,$f8
	!byte $20,$48,$70,$98,$c0
hitable	!byte $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
	!byte $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05
	!byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06
	!byte $07,$07,$07,$07,$07

!macro PLOTCIRCLE {	;Plot a circle point
	lda xd+1	;Is xy in screen?
	bne *+21	;If no, branch to    
	lda yd+1	;instruction after 
	bne *+17	;the macro.
	ldx yd
	cpx #50
	bcs *+11
	ldy xd
	cpy #80
	bcs *+5
	jsr PLOT	;Point is plotable
;Reject drawing the circle if the bounding
;box does not cross the screen.
;if x<0 and if x+r>0 then check y
;if x>0	and if x-r<screenwidth check y
nocir	rts
CIRCLE	lda xc+1
	bmi negxcen
	lda xc
	sbc r
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	sbc r+1
	bmi checky
	bne nocir
	lda xd
	cmp #80
	bcc checky
negxcen	lda xc
	adc r
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	adc r+1
	bmi nocir
checky	lda yc+1
	bmi negycen
	lda yc
	sbc r
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	sbc r+1
	bmi bbok
	bne nocir
	lda yd
	cmp #50
	bcc bbok
negycen	lda yc
	adc r
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	adc r+1
	bmi nocir
bbok	lda r		;Init radius and
	sta xp		;set first point
	sta tx		;to draw.
	lda r+1
	sta xp+1
	sta tx+1	;tx=r/2
	ror tx
	lda #0
	sta yp
	sta yp+1
	;jmp cloop	;***************
	lda #$18	;clc
-	sta radovfl	;Clear draw skips
	sta top
	sta topleft
	sta topright
	sta bottom
	sta bottomleft
	sta bottomright
;Some comparisons here modify the looping
;code that draws. Saves us from having to
;do the comparisons within the loop.
	ldx #$38	;sec
	ldy #$02	;decremented flag
	lda xc+1
	bmi drawr    	;x<0
	bne drawl   	;x>$ff
	lda xc
	cmp #80		;Screen width
	bcs drawl   	;x>80
	dey		;x in screen
	bne yarc
drawr   stx topleft
	stx bottomleft	;skip these
	jmp yarc
drawl	stx topright
	stx topright
yarc	lda yc+1
	bmi drawb    	;y<0
	bne drawt   	;y>$ff
	lda yc
	cmp #50		;Screen height
	bcs drawl   	;y>50
	dey		;y in screen
	bne cloop	
	lda r+1		;Center in screen.
	bne toobig	;Compare radius to
	lda r		;screen diagonal.
	cmp #screendia
	bcc cloop
toobig	rts
drawb   stx top    	;skip this
	jmp cloop
drawt	stx bottom

;All set up. Now the heart of the circle
;calculations. From C=Hacking.
;70 IF X<=Y THEN 100
;80 Y=Y+1:TX=TX-Y
;90 IF TX<0 THEN X=X-1:TX=TX+X

cloop	jsr plot8
	inc yp
	bne +
	inc yp+1
+	sec
	lda tx
	sbc yp
	sta tx
	lda tx+1
	sbc yp+1
	sta tx+1
	bcs cloop
	dec xp
	bne +
	dec xp+1
+	lda tx
	adc xp
	sta tx
	lda tx+1
	adc xp+1
	sta tx+1
	lda xp
	sbc yp
	sta tmp
	lda xp+1
	sbc yp+1
	ora tmp
	bcs cloop
	jsr plot8	;Get last bit

;plot8 is modified by the circle init
;routine to avoid drawing unnecessary 
;parts of the circle. It pokes SECs over
;CLCs to branch or fall through to the
;right transformations

noplot1	rts

radovfl	clc		;Radius overflow
	bcs noplot1
top	clc		;clc draw top
	bcc topleft
	jmp bottom
topleft	clc
	bcs topright
	lda xc
	sbc xp
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	sbc xp+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yc
	sbc yp
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	sbc yp+1
	sta yd+1
	lda xc
	sbc yp
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	sbc yp+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yc
	sbc xp
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	sbc xp+1
	sta yd+1
	bcs bottom	
	lda xc
	adc xp
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	adc xp+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yc
	sbc yp
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	sbc yp+1
	sta yd+1
	lda xc
	adc yp
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	adc yp+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yc
	sbc xp
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	sbc xp+1
	sta yd+1
bottom 	clc		;bottom half
	bcc bottomleft
	bcs bottomright
	lda xc
	sbc xp
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	sbc xp+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yc
	adc yp
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	adc yp+1
	sta yd+1
	lda xc
	sbc yp
	sta xd
	lda xc+1
	sbc yp+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yc
	adc xp
	sta yd
	lda yc+1
	adc xp+1
	sta yd+1
	bcs noplot
	lda xp
	adc xc
	sta xd
	lda xp+1
	adc xc+1
	sta xd+1
	lda yp
	adc yc
	sta yd
	lda yp+1
	adc yc+1
	sta yd+1
	lda yp
	adc xc
	sta xd
	lda yp+1
	adc xc+1
	sta xd+1
	lda xp
	adc yc
	sta yd
	lda xp+1
	adc yc+1
	sta yd+1
noplot	rts
base/4x4_mode_and_circle_routine.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by