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The following is a copy (with minor edits) of this thread on Lemon.

The All American BBS archives can be found on the archives and its mirrors in the cbm/c64/comm/bbs directory, files “” and “”.

“I have a bit of a mystery to solve, and I'm hoping that someone here can help me.

In the late 80's, I purchased a copy of All American BBS from the program's author, Nick Smith. When he sent me the disk, he also sent me my serial number, which must be entered whenever the BBS program is loaded.

In recent months, I was able to track Nick down, and I got him to send me copies of the latest versions of AA BBS for both the 64 and 128. The 128 version is what I'm using on my BBS now, which doesn't require a serial number. The 64 version DOES require a serial number. Unfortunately, Nick says he doesn't remember what the serial number is for the disk he sent me with the 64 version of AA BBS. He says he remembers that he used a sector editor to set the serial numbers on the disks, but beyond that, he doesn't remember anything anymore.

I know what my serial number is for my original copy of AA BBS v9.6. The serial number is 2455. He says that all serial numbers are just four digits. But the copy Nick sent me of the last version he released for the 64, v11.6b, I still haven't been able to try out because I can't find the serial number.

I've posted a d64 of my original copy of AA BBS v9.6 here:

And there's a d64 of disk 1 of AA BBS v11.6b here:

On both of these, you just type LOAD”*“,8,1 which starts the program, select “b” to run the BBS, and select “no” when asked if you want to run the fast loader (it doesn't work in VICE). When the program finishes loading, the first thing you're asked is for the serial number. If you type it in wrong, the sides of the screen collapse a bit, just as if you had typed SYS64738, but then it locks up. If you type the correct serial number, then it continues on and asks you for the time and date. Again, the correct serial number for v9.6 is 2455. I've been over the disks again and again with a sector editor, and I can't figure out where the serial number is hidden. If there's anyone who's good at this sort of thing and loves a good mystery, PLEASE help me out. Thanks!


P.S. I have got permission from Nick Smith to release these to the public domain, so there's nothing illegal with trying to crack this. You can download the full copies of the latest versions for both the 64 and 128, as well as the source code for each, at

“Load it, wait for “Please enter your serial number” prompt. Start VICE monitor.”

.;e5d4 00 af ff ea 2f 36 00100011 000 002

Stack pointer is $ea, so used stack starts feom $01eb. Check it for JSR return address.

m 01eb
>C:01eb  af ff 8d cb  c5 a3 31 a5  92 c8 46 e1  67 18 e9 a7

I guess keyboard input routine was called from $cb8d-2.

d cb8b
.C:cb8b   20 CF FF   JSR $FFCF
.C:cb8e   64 8D      NOOP $8D
.C:cb90   99 00 BE   STA $BE00,Y
.C:cb93   88         DEY
.C:cb94   80 79      NOOP #$79
.C:cb96   C9 0D      CMP #$0D
.C:cb98   F0 04      BEQ $CB9E
.C:cb9a   C0 F8      CPY #$F8
.C:cb9c   B0 ED      BCS $CB8B
.C:cb9e   7A         NOOP
.C:cb9f   E2 D9      NOOP #$D9
.C:cba1   A9 36      LDA #$36
.C:cba3   82 75      NOOP #$75
.C:cba5   4C 20 CB   JMP $CB20

Looks like it reads serial number, stores it and jumps to $cb20.

d cb20
.C:cb20   80 64      NOOP #$64
.C:cb22   85 01      STA $01
.C:cb24   82 25      NOOP #$25
.C:cb26   A0 00      LDY #$00
.C:cb28   BF 00 A0   LAX $A000,Y
.C:cb2b   49 57      EOR #$57
.C:cb2d   99 00 A0   STA $A000,Y
.C:cb30   C8         INY
.C:cb31   D0 F5      BNE $CB28
.C:cb33   EF 2A CB   ISB $CB2A
.C:cb36   EF 2F CB   ISB $CB2F
.C:cb39   AF 2A CB   LAX $CB2A
.C:cb3c   E0 AF      CPX #$AF
.C:cb3e   90 E8      BCC $CB28
.C:cb40   A0 A0      LDY #$A0
.C:cb42   8C 2A CB   STY $CB2A
.C:cb45   8C 2F CB   STY $CB2F
.C:cb48   60         RTS

Decrypts $axxx area and returns. Set breakpoint to rts and exit, just to come back a bit later.

break cb48

Now enter any number and press return. We're back in monitor. Step forward twice to see where we end up

.C:a3c6   80 4D      NOOP #$4D

What's here?

d a3c6
.C:a3c6   80 4D      NOOP #$4D
.C:a3c8   1A         NOOP
.C:a3c9   04 4C      NOOP $4C
.C:a3cb   DA         NOOP
.C:a3cc   C9 00      CMP #$00
.C:a3ce   85 64      STA $64
.C:a3d0   85 65      STA $65
.C:a3d2   A9 0D      LDA #$0D
.C:a3d4   20 D2 FF   JSR $FFD2
.C:a3d7   A9 00      LDA #$00
.C:a3d9   99 00 BE   STA $BE00,Y
.C:a3dc   A0 FF      LDY #$FF
.C:a3de   BF 00 BE   LAX $BE00,Y
.C:a3e1   20 ED AB   JSR $ABED
.C:a3e4   D0 06      BNE $A3EC
.C:a3e6   88         DEY
.C:a3e7   C0 FC      CPY #$FC
.C:a3e9   B0 F3      BCS $A3DE
.C:a3eb   60         RTS
.C:a3ec   A0 00      LDY #$00
.C:a3ee   BF FC A3   LAX $A3FC,Y

Looks like it checks serial number at $abed, so check it out.

d abed
.C:abed   49 FF      EOR #$FF
.C:abef   D9 64 BE   CMP $BE64,Y
.C:abf2   60         RTS

Y ranges from $ff to $fc, so let's see what vlues we compare agains.

m bf60 bf63
>C:bf60  cd ce cf cf

This was EORed with $ff, so let's invert some bits and we get 32 31 30 30 This looks like “2100” in PETSCII, but when we stored serial number into buffer we did it backwards, so it's really “0012”.

Nothing you couldn't do with a decent cartridge on C64 as well.

“I'd like to know where it is located to I can see what I missed.”

It's inside “←AA CGBBS V11.6B” file, but as that's compressed you can't find the bytes anywhere with disk editor. I assume Nick edited the executable before compiling or packing it. Check out source disk #4, file “←ml+11.6”. You need to eor its contents with $6E to find “2100”.

base/all_american_bbs_-_finding_the_serial_number.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by