Decimal to hexadecimal conversion
By Mace
This routine converts two bytes decimal to two bytes hexadecimal. 'hiInput' contains hundreds, 'loInput' contains tens and ones, so $0365 equals #365 decimal. It will be converted to 'hiResult' and 'loResult' (in this case $016d, the hexadecimal of 365).
.pc = $0810 lda #$00 ; Init result bytes sta loResult sta hiResult lda loInput ; Fetch ones and tens tax ; Save to X and #$0f ; Strip the ones tay ; Save to Y txa ; Get original ones and tens lsr lsr lsr lsr ; Divide by 16 to get tens only tax ; Save to X tya ; Put the ones in A cpx #$00 ; No tens? Then skip beq PROCEED clc TENS: adc #$0a ; Add as many tens as value of X dex bne TENS PROCEED: ldx hiInput ; Fetch the hundreds beq END ; No hundreds? Then go to end HUND: clc adc #$64 ; Add as many hundreds as value of X bcc !+ inc hiResult ; Increase high byte every passed $FF !: dex bne HUND END: sta loResult ; Store low byte rts hiInput: .byte $00 loInput: .byte $01 hiResult: .byte $00 loResult: .byte $00
By Verz:
I made a small improvement, the idea being that a 10x multiplication can be computed as a sum of a (8x + 2x); since we're shifting the high nibble to the right, we get the 8x and 2x values in the process. (Note that using a loResult in page zero there would be 5 bytes/cycles of improvement)
bcdbin: lda #$00 ; Init result bytes ;sta loResult ; useless sta hiResult lda loInput ; Fetch ones and tens tay ; Save to Y and #$f0 ; this two instructions, or use the undocumented ALR #$f0 = (and #$f0) + (lsr) lsr ;alr #$f0 sta loResult lsr lsr adc loResult sta loResult tya and #$0f ; Strip the ones adc loResult ldx hiInput ; Fetch the hundreds beq END ; No hundreds? Then go to end HUND: clc adc #$64 ; Add as many hundreds as value of X bcc loop inc hiResult ; Increase high byte every passed $FF loop: dex bne HUND END: sta loResult ; Store low byte rts hiInput: .byte $00 loInput: .byte $01 hiResult: .byte $00 loResult: .byte $00
Here a routine to convert a single BCD byte (0-99) in A, to a binary in A:
BCDBIN8 tay and #%11110000 lsr ;alr #%11110000 ; =(And #$f0)+(Lsr), to replace the two previous instructions sta pzTmp lsr lsr adc pzTmp sta pzTmp tya and #%1111 adc pzTmp rts pzTmp .equ $02 ; $02 is a unused zeropage memory location in C64
base/decimal_to_hexadecimal_conversion.txt · Last modified: 2016-02-14 22:02 by verz