Double screen vertical scroller
By Bitbreaker/Oxyron^Arsenic^Nuance
Glues together two hires/koala bitmaps and displays them stacked vertically. Format of the Hires pics (as exported from for e.g. HermIRES):
$0000-$1f40 bitmap $1f40-$2328 screen background/bordercolor: i fucking don't care :-) Set it on your own in the source :-) $2328-$2710 colram (koala only)
Use ACME to compile.
* = $4000 y = $10 y_ = $11 trig = $12 dir = $13 bank = $14 colram = $d800 screen1 = $0400 screen2 = $c400 bitmap1 = $2000 bitmap2 = $e000 ;MULTICOLOR ;uncomment this if you want a koala version that also copies colram sei ;setup raster irq for line $2d lda #$01 sta $d019 sta $d01a lda #$7f sta $dc0d lda $dc0d lda #$18 sta $d018 !ifdef MULTICOLOR { sta $d016 ;set background color lda #$01 sta $d021 } lda #$fa sta $d012 lda #$03 sta $dd00 lda #<irq sta $0314 lda #>irq sta $0315 ;init some values, blank display to avoid glitches on start lda #$00 sta $d011 sta y sta trig sta dir sta bank sta $d020 cli !ifdef MULTICOLOR { jsr update_colram } l_down ;scroll down, fill both buffers with fitting (y-offset!) bitmaps sta y_ jsr update_bmp lda #$02 sta y_ jsr update_bmp ;flag new direction to irq lda dir eor #$01 sta dir ;enable screen on next irq lda #$30 sta en1+1 down lda y cmp #$cf beq l_up ;wait until irq triggers us lda trig beq down ;reset flag lda #$00 sta trig ;update offscreen buffer jsr update_bmp jmp down l_up ;and up we go again... lda #50 sta y_ jsr update_bmp lda #48 sta y_ jsr update_bmp lda dir eor #$01 sta dir up lda y beq l_down lda trig beq up lda #$00 sta trig jsr update_bmp jmp up irq dec $d019 ;update y-offset jsr update_y jmp $ea7e update_y ;up or down? lda dir beq up_ ;down, finished or inc y? lda y cmp #$cf bne + rts + ;clc ;increment y adc #$01 sta y ;do we need to shift whole bitmap by one charblock? and #$07 tax bne out2 ;y position of next buffered bitmap lda y ;clc adc #$08 bne out1 ;branch always up_ lda y bne + rts + ;decrement y sec sbc #$01 sta y ;do we need to update buffer? and #$07 tax cmp #$07 bne out2 ;calc new y_ lda y ;sec sbc #$08 out1 ;calculate y_ -> y / 4 & $fe to have an index into pointer table lsr lsr and #$fe sta y_ ;toggle vic bank lda $dd00 eor #$03 sta $dd00 ;now trigger code outside of irq inc trig !ifdef MULTICOLOR { txa ora en1+1 ;set new y-shift sta $d011 ;and update colram jmp update_colram } out2 txa en1 ora #$00 ;set new y-shift sta $d011 rts !ifdef MULTICOLOR { update_colram ;directly copy colram (forward, so that upper lines are copied first and we can't be overtaken by raster) lda y lsr lsr and #$fe tay lda #>colram sta tgt_c+2 lda pcolram+0,y sta src_c+1 lda pcolram+1,y sta src_c+2 ldx #$04 ldy #$00 - src_c lda $1000,y tgt_c sta $1000,y iny bne - inc src_c+2 inc tgt_c+2 dex bne - rts } update_bmp ;toggle buffer lda bank eor #$01 sta bank ;fill corresponding buffer beq + lda #>bitmap1 jsr copy_bmp lda #>screen1 bne copy_screen + lda #>bitmap2 jsr copy_bmp lda #>screen2 copy_screen ;copy $0400 bytes of screen to target buffer sta tgt1+2 ldx y_ lda pscreen+1,x ldy pscreen+0,x ldx #$01 ;1 * $0400 bytes bne copy copy_bmp ;copy $2000 bytes of bitmap to target buffer sta tgt1+2 ldx y_ lda pbitmap+1,x ldy pbitmap+0,x ldx #$08 ;8 * $0400 bytes = $2000 bytes copy ;slightly optimized copy routine, doing $400 bytes at once sty src1+1 sty src2+1 sty src3+1 sty src4+1 ldy tgt1+2 copy_l ;write highbytes of source and target addresses sty tgt1+2 iny sty tgt2+2 iny sty tgt3+2 iny sty tgt4+2 tay sta src1+2 iny sty src2+2 iny sty src3+2 iny sty src4+2 ldy #$00 - src1 lda $1000,y tgt1 sta $1000,y src2 lda $1000,y tgt2 sta $1000,y src3 lda $1000,y tgt3 sta $1000,y src4 lda $1000,y tgt4 sta $1000,y iny bne - lda tgt1+2 clc adc #$04 tay lda src1+2 clc adc #$04 dex bne copy_l rts pbitmap ;pointers into picture bitmaps for y=0, 8, 16, 24, ... !for .y, 26 { !word (26 - .y) * 320 + bitmaps } pscreen ;pointers into picture screens for y=0, 8, 16, 24, ... !for .y, 26 { !word (26 - .y) * 40 + screens } !ifdef MULTICOLOR { pcolram ;pointers into picture colram for y=0, 8, 16, 24, ... !for .y, 26 { !word (26 - .y) * 40 + colrams } } screens ;glue together screen data !bin "pic1.prg",$3e8,$1f42 !bin "pic2.prg",$3e8,$1f42 bitmaps ;glue together bitmap data !bin "pic1.prg",$1f40,2 !bin "pic2.prg",$1f40,2 !ifdef MULTICOLOR { colrams ;glue together colram data !bin "pic1.prg",$3e8,$2328 !bin "pic2.prg",$3e8,$2328 }
base/double_screen_vertical_scroller.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by