Extract row from tile based map
by Achim
Example 4×4 tile:
aabb ccdd eeff gghh
Tile data stored in memory:
In order to read and plot the correct tile row for a vertical scrolling game, tileY has to be defined.
tileY: 00, ... aabb 04, ... ccdd 08, ... eeff 0c, ... gghh
Again a map pointer is needed (top-left) and mapX (=map width) for correct map data handling. For a straight vertical scrolling game
mapX = number of tiles left to right. In case of 4×4 tiles: mapX=#$0a, in case of 5×5 tiles mapX=#$08.
Pseudo code for scrolling down (player moving up):
lda tileY bne samemaprow //top tile row done? lda map //map - mapX sec sbc mapX sta map lda map+1 sbc #$00 sta map+1 lda #$10 //tileY=0c samemaprow: sec sbc #$04 sta tileY lda map //don't mess up map pointer... sta maptmp lda map+1 sta maptmp+1 lda lo-bytescreentop ldx hi-bytescreentop jsr extractrow ...
Pseudo code for scrolling up (player moving down):
lda map //using tmp again sta maptmp lda map+1 sta maptmp+1 ldx numbertiles //number of tiles top-bottom !: lda maptmp //calculate map row bottom clc adc mapX sta maptmp lda maptmp+1 adc #$00 sta maptmp+1 dex bpl !- lda lo-bytescreenbottom ldx hi-bytescreenbottom jsr extractrow lda tileY cmp #$0c //lowest tile row done? bne !+ lda map //map + mapX clc adc mapX sta map lda map+1 adc #$00 sta map+1 lda #$fc //tileY=00 !: clc adc #$04 sta tileY ...
Extracting a row is pretty simple…
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extract row from tile data by A. Volkers, 2011 a = lo-bytescreen x = hi-bytescreen ->KickAssambler --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .pc = $1000 .const tilemem = 48 //hi-byte tile data: $3000 .var tileY = $02 //row 00, 04, 08, 0c .var map = $03 //16bit address for main program .var mapX = $04 //map width .var tiledata = $fc //16bit address tile .var maptmp = $fe //16bit tmp for mappointer extractrow: sta plotrow+1 //prepare selfmod clc adc #$28 sta check+1 stx plotrow+2 extract: ldy #$00 lda (maptmp),y //calculate tile data address and #$0f //use tables for 5x5 tiles instead asl asl asl asl sta tiledata //lo-byte lda (maptmp),y and #$f0 lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #tilemem //hi-byte sta tiledata+1 ldy tileY //get actual tile row ldx #$03 //#$04 for 5x5 tiles readtile: lda (tiledata),y //read actual tile data plotrow: sta $ffff //selfmod for screen position inc plotrow+1 bne !+ inc plotrow+2 !: lda plotrow+1 check: cmp #$28 //40 chars done? beq exit iny dex bpl readtile inc maptmp //next tile bne !+ inc maptmp+1 !: clv bvc extract exit: rts
Check out this program which uses the same routine. Hardscrolling only, no colour RAM shifting:
base/extract_row_from_tile_based_map.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by