Writing to a file byte-by-byte
BASIC code:
10 FS=8192:FE=16384 20 OPEN 2,8,2,"JUST A FILENAME,P,W" 30 IF ST<>0 THEN GOTO 70 40 A=PEEK(FS):FS=FS+1 50 PRINT#2,CHR$(A); 60 IF FE>FS THEN GOTO 30 70 CLOSE 2
Assembler code:
file_start = $2000 ; example addresses file_end = $4000 LDA #fname_end-fname LDX #<fname LDY #>fname JSR $FFBD ; call SETNAM LDA #$02 ; file number 2 LDX $BA ; last used device number BNE .skip LDX #$08 ; default to device 8 .skip LDY #$02 ; secondary address 2 JSR $FFBA ; call SETLFS JSR $FFC0 ; call OPEN BCS .error ; if carry set, the file could not be opened ; check drive error channel here to test for ; FILE EXISTS error etc. LDX #$02 ; filenumber 2 JSR $FFC9 ; call CHKOUT (file 2 now used as output) LDA #<file_start STA $AE LDA #>file_start STA $AF LDY #$00 .loop JSR $FFB7 ; call READST (read status byte) BNE .werror ; write error LDA ($AE),Y ; get byte from memory JSR $FFD2 ; call CHROUT (write byte to file) INC $AE BNE .skip INC $AF .skip LDA $AE CMP #<file_end LDA $AF SBC #>file_end BCC .loop ; next byte .close LDA #$02 ; filenumber 2 JSR $FFC3 ; call CLOSE JSR $FFCC ; call CLRCHN RTS .error ; Akkumulator contains BASIC error code ; most likely errors: ; A = $05 (DEVICE NOT PRESENT) ... error handling for open errors ... JMP .close ; even if OPEN failed, the file has to be closed .werror ; for further information, the drive error channel has to be read ... error handling for write errors ... JMP .close fname: .TEXT "JUST A FILENAME,P,W" ; ,P,W is required to make this an output file! fname_end:
You may open more than one file if you use different file numbers and secondary addresses for them. File numbers and secondary addresses should be in the range of 2 to 14. It's usually a good idea to use the same number for both to keep confusion low.
base/writing_a_file_byte-by-byte.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:34 by