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6510 Instructions by Addressing Modes

off- ++++++++++ Positive ++++++++++  ---------- Negative ----------
set  00      20      40      60      80      a0      c0      e0      mode

+00  BRK     JSR     RTI     RTS     NOP*    LDY     CPY     CPX     Impl/immed
+01  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     (indir,x)
+02   t       t       t       t      NOP*t   LDX     NOP*t   NOP*t     ? /immed
+03  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX*    LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    (indir,x)
+04  NOP*    BIT     NOP*    NOP*    STY     LDY     CPY     CPX     Zeropage
+05  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Zeropage
+06  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     STX     LDX     DEC     INC     Zeropage
+07  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX*    LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    Zeropage

+08  PHP     PLP     PHA     PLA     DEY     TAY     INY     INX     Implied
+09  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     NOP*    LDA     CMP     SBC     Immediate
+0a  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     TXA     TAX     DEX     NOP     Accu/impl
+0b  ANC**   ANC**   ASR**   ARR**   ANE**   LXA**   SBX**   SBC*    Immediate
+0c  NOP*    BIT     JMP     JMP ()  STY     LDY     CPY     CPX     Absolute
+0d  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Absolute
+0e  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     STX     LDX     DEC     INC     Absolute
+0f  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX*    LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    Absolute

+10  BPL     BMI     BVC     BVS     BCC     BCS     BNE     BEQ     Relative
+11  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     (indir),y
+12   t       t       t       t       t       t       t       t         ?
+13  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SHA**   LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    (indir),y
+14  NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    STY     LDY     NOP*    NOP*    Zeropage,x
+15  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Zeropage,x
+16  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     STX  y) LDX  y) DEC     INC     Zeropage,x
+17  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX* y) LAX* y) DCP*    ISB*    Zeropage,x

+18  CLC     SEC     CLI     SEI     TYA     CLV     CLD     SED     Implied
+19  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Absolute,y
+1a  NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    TXS     TSX     NOP*    NOP*    Implied
+1b  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SHS**   LAS**   DCP*    ISB*    Absolute,y
+1c  NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    SHY**   LDY     NOP*    NOP*    Absolute,x
+1d  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Absolute,x
+1e  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     SHX**y) LDX  y) DEC     INC     Absolute,x
+1f  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SHA**y) LAX* y) DCP*    ISB*    Absolute,x

	ROR intruction is available on MC650x microprocessors after
	June, 1976.


        t       Jams the machine
        *t      Jams very rarely
        *       Undocumented command
        **      Unusual operation
        y)      indexed using Y instead of X
        ()      indirect instead of absolute

        Note that the NOP instructions do have other addressing modes
        than the implied addressing. The NOP instruction is just like
        any other load instruction, except it does not store the
        result anywhere nor affects the flags.
base/6510_instructions_by_addressing_modes.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by