8x8 Plasma w/ Optimized Speedcode Generator
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 8x8 Plasma Crap w/ Optimized Speedcode Generator // For Codebase64 // By Cruzer/CML 2009 // Asm: KickAss 3.1 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // memory... .var plasmaCnt = $02 .var add = $04 .var codePnt = $05 .var xPos = $07 .var yPos = $08 .var pSine = $09 .var pSineY = $0a .var lineSinePnt = $0b .var colorSetoffs = $10 .var sineSetoffs = $38 .var screen = $0400 .var basic = $0801 .var sine64 = $1000 .var sine128 = $1200 .var colorTable = $1400 .var bitmap = $2000 .var code = $4000 .var plasmer = $5000 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .pc = sine64 "sine64" .for (var i=0; i<$200; i++) .by 32 + 32 * sin(i/[$100/2/PI]) .pc = sine128 "sine128" .for (var i=0; i<$200; i++) .by 64 + 64 * sin(i/[$100/2/PI]) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .pc = $0801 "basic" :BasicUpstart(code) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .pc = code "code" jmp start //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .var width = 40 .var height = 25 .var effectDuration = $a0 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plasmaParams: sineSpreadX: .by $00 sineSpreadY: .by $00 colorSpreadX: .by $00 colorSpreadY: .by $00 realtimeSpread0: .by $00 realtimeSpread1: .by $00 sineSpeeds: .by $00,$00 addSpeed: .by $00 colors: .by $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .by $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .var paramLen = * - plasmaParams //List of effects to switch between... paramList: !sineSpreadX: .by $03 !sineSpreadY: .by $01 !colorSpreadX: .by $01 !colorSpreadY: .by $02 !realtimeSpread0: .by $07 !realtimeSpread1: .by $08 !sineSpeeds: .by $03,$fe !addSpeed: .by $ff !colors: .by $a7,$aa,$8a,$2a,$b8,$95,$b5,$c5,$55,$5f,$cd,$5d,$37,$dd,$d1,$11 .by $11,$d1,$dd,$37,$5d,$cd,$5f,$55,$c5,$b5,$95,$b8,$2a,$8a,$aa,$a7 !sineSpreadX: .by $07 !sineSpreadY: .by $04 !colorSpreadX: .by $01 !colorSpreadY: .by $02 !realtimeSpread0: .by $06 !realtimeSpread1: .by $08 !sineSpeeds: .by $03,$fe !addSpeed: .by $fe !colors: .by $00,$02,$9b,$2b,$24,$2c,$2a,$4a,$ca,$aa,$af,$a7,$f7,$f1,$71,$11 .by $11,$71,$f1,$f7,$a7,$af,$aa,$ac,$4a,$2a,$2c,$24,$2b,$9b,$02,$00 !sineSpreadX: .by $09 !sineSpreadY: .by $0a !colorSpreadX: .by $04 !colorSpreadY: .by $03 !realtimeSpread0: .by $07 !realtimeSpread1: .by $09 !sineSpeeds: .by $03,$fe !addSpeed: .by $01 !colors: .by $00,$06,$6b,$64,$6c,$be,$4e,$ce,$e5,$e3,$f3,$3d,$e1,$31,$d1,$11 .by $11,$71,$f1,$f7,$a7,$af,$aa,$aa,$8a,$2a,$2a,$28,$22,$92,$02,$00 .var numFx = [* - paramList] / paramLen //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start: jsr init //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mainLoop: lda #$00 sta $d020 lda #$44 !: cmp $d012 bne !- lda plasmaCnt+0 clc adc sineSpeeds+0 sta plasmaCnt+0 lda plasmaCnt+1 clc adc sineSpeeds+1 sta plasmaCnt+1 lda add clc adc addSpeed anc #$3f sta add jsr plasmer jsr fxControl jmp mainLoop //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fxControl: //count down to next effect inc fxTimer lda fxTimer cmp #effectDuration beq !next+ rts !next: lda #$2b //turn off screen while initing effect sta $d011 lda #$00 sta fxTimer lda paramPnt clc adc #paramLen ldx effect inx cpx #numFx bne !+ ldx #0 txa !: stx effect sta paramPnt jsr fetchParams jsr generateSpeedcode jsr generateColorTable //wait for raster, turn screen on again lda #$42 !: cmp $d012 bne !- lda #$3b sta $d011 rts fxTimer: .by 0 effect: .by 0 paramPnt: .by 0 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fetchParams: ldx #paramLen-1 txa clc adc paramPnt tay !: lda paramList,y sta plasmaParams,x dey dex bpl !- rts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- init: sei jsr fetchParams jsr generateSpeedcode jsr generateColorTable jsr fillBitmap jsr initVic rts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fillBitmap: ldx #0 ldy #$1f lda #%01010101 !: sta bitmap,x eor #%11111111 inx bne !- inc !- +2 dey bpl !- rts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initVic: lda #$3b sta $d011 lda #$18 sta $d018 rts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generateColorTable: ldx #$1f ldy #0 !loop: lda colors,x .for (var i=0; i<$200; i=i+$40) { sta colorTable + i,y sta colorTable + i+1,y } iny iny dex bpl !loop- rts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generates the plasmer speedcode, which consists of an init chunk for every line, and a // plasmer chunk for every char. generateSpeedcode: { //set destination pointer... lda #<plasmer sta codePnt+0 lda #>plasmer sta codePnt+1 //init adrs etc... lda #<screen sta scrLo+1 lda #>screen sta scrHi+1 lda #0 sta lineSinePnt+0 sta lineSinePnt+1 sta pSine+1 sta pColor+1 //generate lookup-tables... ldx #width-1 lda #0 !: sta colorSetoffs,x clc adc colorSpreadX dex bpl !- ldx #width-1 lda #0 !: sta sineSetoffs,x clc adc sineSpreadX dex bpl !- //start looping through all char lines... lda #height-1 sta yPos yLoop: //generate the line-init chunk... /* ldx plasmaCnt+0 ldy plasmaCnt+1 clc lda sine128,x adc sine64,y tax */ .var lineInitLen = 12 ldy #0 //"ldx plasmaCnt+0" lda #LDX_ZP sta (codePnt),y iny lda #plasmaCnt+0 sta (codePnt),y iny //"ldy plasmaCnt+1" lda #LDY_ZP sta (codePnt),y iny lda #plasmaCnt+1 sta (codePnt),y iny //"clc" lda #CLC sta (codePnt),y iny //"lda sine128,x" lda #LDA_ABSX sta (codePnt),y iny lda lineSinePnt+0 sta (codePnt),y iny lda #>sine128 sta (codePnt),y iny //"adc sine64,y" lda #ADC_ABSY sta (codePnt),y iny lda lineSinePnt+1 sta (codePnt),y iny lda #>sine64 sta (codePnt),y iny //"tax" lda #TAX sta (codePnt),y lda #lineInitLen clc adc codePnt+0 sta codePnt+0 bcc !+ inc codePnt+1 !: lda #RTS sta uppRet lda codePnt+1 jsr updatePps lda #JMP_ABS sta uppRet //start looping through all chars at the current y-position... ldx #width-1 ldy codePnt+0 clc xLoop: //generate plasmer chunk for the current char... /* lda sine64,x adc add tay lda colorTable,y sta screen */ .var plasmerLength = 12 //"lda sine64,x" lda #LDA_ABSX pp00: sta plasmer+0,y pSine: lda #0 adc sineSetoffs,x pp01: sta plasmer+1,y lda #>sine64 pp02: sta plasmer+2,y //"adc add" lda #ADC_ZP pp03: sta plasmer+3,y lda #add pp04: sta plasmer+4,y //"tay" lda #TAY pp05: sta plasmer+5,y //"lda colorTable,y" lda #LDA_ABSY pp06: sta plasmer+6,y pColor: lda #0 clc adc colorSetoffs,x pp07: sta plasmer+7,y lda #>colorTable pp08: sta plasmer+8,y //"sta screen" lda #STA_ABS pp09: sta plasmer+9,y txa clc scrLo: adc #<screen pp10: sta plasmer+10,y scrHi: lda #>screen adc #0 pp11: sta plasmer+11,y tya adc #plasmerLength tay bcs incPps !back: //next char... dex bpl xLoop clc lda #<[plasmerLength*width] adc codePnt+0 sta codePnt+0 lda #>[plasmerLength*width] adc codePnt+1 sta codePnt+1 //update line init routine for the next line... lda lineSinePnt+0 clc adc realtimeSpread0 sta lineSinePnt+0 lda lineSinePnt+1 clc adc realtimeSpread1 sta lineSinePnt+1 //update plasmer params for the next line... lda pSine+1 clc adc sineSpreadY sta pSine+1 lda pColor+1 clc adc colorSpreadY sta pColor+1 //update screen store adr.. clc lda #40 adc scrLo+1 sta scrLo+1 lda #0 adc scrHi+1 sta scrHi+1 //next y-pos... dec yPos bmi !+ jmp yLoop !: //add the final "rts" instruction ldy #0 lda #RTS sta (codePnt),y rts incPps: lda pp00+2 adc #0 updatePps: .var pps = List().add(pp00,pp01,pp02,pp03,pp04,pp05,pp06,pp07,pp08,pp09,pp10,pp11) .for (var i=0; i<pps.size(); i++) sta pps.get(i)+2 uppRet: jmp !back- }
base/8x8-plasma-optimized-codegen.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by