2x2 Upscroll with line space
A 1×1 scroll is quite simple, but a 2×2 upscroll is slightly a little more complex. This is because you need to calculate the specific character code. Sometimes it is useful to add a line space to each row to make the text slightly more readable.
A full screen 2×2 char up scroll consist of 20 chars. The moving of rows is the same as in the 1×1 char example. This means each row of text being read has to be 20 (not 40 characters). Here's an example piece of code with description (Of course you will need to code your own IRQ and jsr upscroll .
;Example upscroll snippet by Richard/TND ;To call, use "jsr upscroll" ;Delay control of up scrolling message, so that ;it is easier to read upscroll lda ydelay cmp #2 beq scrollit inc ydelay skipshift rts ;Reset control delay, and work on vertical ;screen position pointer (which must be ;ORA #$10 and stored to some IRQs to make ;the scroll much smoother) scrollit lda #0 sta ydelay lda ypos sec sbc #1 and #$07 sta ypos bcs skipshift ;Move each row up a row ldx #$27 shiftrows lda screen+400,x sta screen+360,x lda screen+440,x sta screen+400,x lda screen+480,x sta screen+440,x lda screen+520,x sta screen+480,x lda screen+560,x sta screen+520,x lda screen+600,x sta screen+560,x lda screen+640,x sta screen+600,x dex bpl shiftrows ldx #$27 shiftrows2 lda screen+680,x sta screen+640,x lda screen+720,x sta screen+680,x lda screen+760,x sta screen+720,x lda screen+800,x sta screen+760,x lda screen+840,x sta screen+800,x lda screen+880,x sta screen+840,x lda screen+920,x sta screen+880,x dex bpl shiftrows2 ;Update scrolling message and check @ ;loop character. updatemessage ldx #0 messread lda scrolltext,x sta $02,x cmp #$00 beq wraptext inx cpx #20 bne messread jmp store wraptext lda #<scrolltext sta messread+1 lda #>scrolltext sta messread+2 jmp messread ;The fun part. This routine checks whether the ;character is upper or lower case before storing ;the message to the bottom screen row. ;0 = upper row of 2x2, 1 = bottom row of 2x2, 2 = line space store lda charbit cmp #1 beq lower cmp #2 beq space ;Store the upper row of the message text upper ldx #$00 ldy #$00 txa upperloop lda $02,x sta screen+880,y eor #$40 sta screen+880+1,y iny iny inx cpx #$14 bne upperloop lda #1 sta charbit rts ;Store the lower row of the message text lower ldx #$00 ldy #$00 txa lowerloop lda $02,x eor #$80 sta screen+880,y eor #$40 sta screen+880+1,y iny iny inx cpx #$14 bne lowerloop lda #2 sta charbit rts ;Store the space bar line feed to the bottom row ;in order to make the scrolling message more ;readable. space ldx #$00 dospace lda #$20 sta screen+880,x inx cpx #$28 bne dospace lda #0 sta charbit ;Update message to next row in memory lda messread+1 clc adc #20 sta messread+1 lda messread+2 adc #0 sta messread+2 bcs exit exit rts ydelay !byte 0 ypos !byte 0 ypos2 !byte 0 !ct scr scrolltext !text "--------------------" !text " richard's 2x2 line " !text " feed scroll text " !text "--------------------" !text "this message " !text "consists of 20 " !text "characters per row " !text "the code converts " !text "each character into " !text "2x2 char segments or" !text "line feed spacebar " !text "to make the scroll " !text "much more readable. " !text " " !text "your text can be " !text "very long or short " !text "and sweet. " !byte 0 ;@ marker on last row
base/2x2_upscroll_with_space_linefeed.txt · Last modified: 2021-06-11 15:53 by richard