Bresenham Circle Routine
Implementation by Scout/Silicon Ltd.
This example is textmode (40×25) only but can easily be converted into any other mode. Enjoy and don't forget to credit me if you use it
I hope those solid circle tunnels show up now in a demo.
; Draws a circle using the Bresenham algorithm in textmode ; [C]2006 Scout/Silicon Ltd. Radius = 12 CenterX = 20 CenterY = 12 Char = 160 Cx = $50 Cy = $51 Cd = $52 *=$0810 circle lda #Radius sta Cy asl ; 2 * radius sta CalcD lda #0 sta Cx lda #3 sec CalcD = *+1 sbc #$00 sta Cd C_loop lda Cx cmp Cy bmi C_Points jmp E_rts C_points lda Cx sta x1 sta y2 sta x4 sta y7 eor #$ff ; Maak clc ; getal adc #1 ; negatief sta y3 sta x5 sta y6 sta x8 lda Cy sta y1 sta x2 sta x3 sta y8 eor #$ff clc adc #1 sta y4 sta y5 sta x6 sta x7 y1=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x1=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;----- y2=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x2=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;----- y3=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x3=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;---- y4=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x4=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;---- y5=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x5=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y y6=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x6=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y y7=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x7=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y y8=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 x8=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y lda Cd bpl D_pos ; d >= 0 lda Cx asl asl ; 4*x clc adc #6 adc Cd sta Cd inc Cx jmp C_loop D_pos lda Cx sec sbc Cy asl asl ;4*(x-y) clc adc #10 clc adc Cd sta Cd dec Cy E_next inc Cx jmp C_loop E_rts lda Cx sta xx1 sta yy2 sta xx4 sta yy7 eor #$ff clc adc #1 sta yy3 sta xx5 sta yy6 sta xx8 lda Cy sta yy1 sta xx2 sta xx3 sta yy8 eor #$ff clc adc #1 sta yy4 sta yy5 sta xx6 sta xx7 yy1=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx1=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;----- yy2=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx2=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;----- yy3=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx3=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;---- yy4=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx4=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y ;---- yy5=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx5=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y yy6=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx6=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y yy7=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx7=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y yy8=*+1 lda #0 ; x clc adc #CenterY tax lda screenlo,x sta $f0 lda screenhi,x sta $f1 xx8=*+1 lda #0 ; y clc adc #CenterX tay lda #Char sta ($f0),y rts .align 256 screenlo ; you could also get this from kernal address $EFCO, if kernal is enabled. .byte <$0400+(40*0), <$0400+(40*1),<$0400+(40*2),<$0400+(40*3),<$0400+(40*4),<$0400+(40*5) .byte <$0400+(40*6), <$0400+(40*7),<$0400+(40*8),<$0400+(40*9),<$0400+(40*10),<$0400+(40*11) .byte <$0400+(40*12), <$0400+(40*13),<$0400+(40*14),<$0400+(40*15),<$0400+(40*16),<$0400+(40*17) .byte <$0400+(40*18), <$0400+(40*19),<$0400+(40*20),<$0400+(40*21),<$0400+(40*22),<$0400+(40*23) .byte <$0400+(40*24) screenhi .byte >$0400+(40*0), >$0400+(40*1),>$0400+(40*2),>$0400+(40*3),>$0400+(40*4),>$0400+(40*5) .byte >$0400+(40*6), >$0400+(40*7),>$0400+(40*8),>$0400+(40*9),>$0400+(40*10),>$0400+(40*11) .byte >$0400+(40*12), >$0400+(40*13),>$0400+(40*14),>$0400+(40*15),>$0400+(40*16),>$0400+(40*17) .byte >$0400+(40*18), >$0400+(40*19),>$0400+(40*20),>$0400+(40*21),>$0400+(40*22),>$0400+(40*23) .byte >$0400+(40*24)
base/bresenham_circle_routine.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by