Bresenham's line algorithm
Here is a C program using the allegro library that I pout up and ported to 6502 assembler. This implementation was designed by Janusz Ganczarski.
#include "allegro.h" void init(); void deinit(); void B_Line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void PutPixel (int x,int y); int main() { init(); B_Line (1, 1, 50, 10); while (!key[KEY_ESC]) { /* put your code here */ } deinit(); return 0; } END_OF_MAIN() void init() { int depth, res; allegro_init(); depth = desktop_color_depth(); if (depth == 0) depth = 32; set_color_depth(depth); res = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0); if (res != 0) { allegro_message(allegro_error); exit(-1); } install_timer(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); /* add other initializations here */ } void deinit() { clear_keybuf(); /* add other deinitializations here */ } void PutPixel (int x,int y) { putpixel(screen,x,y,makecol(255,255,255)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rysowanie linii algorytmem Bresenhama //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void B_Line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // zmienne pomocnicze int d,dx,dy,ai,bi,xi,yi; // dy - "dlugosc" y // dx - "dlugosc" X // xi , yi - kierunek rysowania w osi x , y // // ustalenie kierunku rysowania oraz kroków zmiennych if (x1 < x2) { xi = 1; dx = x2 - x1; } else { xi = -1; dx = x1 - x2; } // ustalenie kierunku rysowania oraz kroków zmiennych if (y1 < y2) { yi = 1; dy = y2 - y1; } else { yi = -1; dy = y1 - y2; } // pierwszy piksel PutPixel (x1,y1); // oś wiodąca OX if (dx > dy) { ai = (dy - dx) * 2; bi = dy * 2; d = bi - dx; // warunek != zamiast < umożliwia rysowanie "pod górkę" while (x1 != x2) { // przejście NE if (d > 0) { y1 += yi; d += ai; } // przejście E else d += bi; x1 += xi; PutPixel (x1,y1); } } // oś wiodąca OY else { ai = (dx - dy) * 2; bi = dx * 2; d = bi - dy; // warunek != zamiast < umożliwia rysowanie "pod górkę" while (y1 != y2) { // przejście NE if (d > 0) { x1 += xi; d += ai; } // przejście E else d += bi; y1 += yi; PutPixel (x1,y1); } } }
6502 code was written using 6502sim and debugged here too , it's not optimized in any way and entire code uses only accumulator - it was written to represent that C program's B_Line function completely and needs further optimization to be really useful. it also uses 8bit variables only so lenght of line is limited too , and so on. 'debug' call should be exchanged with proper putpixel routine, in simulator 'debug' routine is used to watch how coords of pixels are chagning with line being drawn. after all this code is good for beginners I hope :)
; defines for 6502 simulator debugging io_area = $e000 io_cls = io_area + 0 ; clear terminal window io_putc = io_area + 1 ; put char io_putr = io_area + 2 ; put raw char (doesn't interpret CR/LF) io_puth = io_area + 3 ; put as hex number io_getc = io_area + 4 ; get char *= $c000 LDA #10 STA l_x1 lda #4 STA l_y1 LDA #0 STA l_x2 lda #0 STA l_y2 jmp do_line *= $c100 do_line ; // zmienne pomocnicze ;// int d,dx,dy,ai,bi,xi,yi; ;U2 = two's compliment ;ZU = normal binary ;var name type desc l_dx = $10 ; ZU - "dlugosc" x (rozpietosc na osi) l_dy = l_dx + 1 ; ZU - "dlugosc" y l_xi = l_dx + 2 ; U2 xi,yi - kierunek rysowania w osi x , y l_yi = l_dx + 3 ; U2 l_ai = l_dx + 4 ; U2 step l_bi = l_dx + 5 ; U2 step l_d = l_dx + 6 ; U2 'error' ;points l_x1 = l_dx + 7 ; ZU poczatek linii l_y1 = l_dx + 8 ; ZU l_x2 = l_dx + 9 ; ZU koniec linii l_y2 = l_dx +10 ; ZU ; // ustalenie kierunku rysowania oraz kroków zmiennych ;// deciding what direction to draw + steps ; if (x1 < x2) ;if x1mx2 LDA l_x1 CMP l_x2 BCC x1mx2_ jmp x1wx2 x1mx2_ ;then [x1<x2] LDA #1 STA l_xi ; xi = 1; LDA l_x2 SEC SBC l_x1 STA l_dx ; dx = x2 - x1 jmp y1my2 ;else [x1=>x2] x1wx2 lda #255 ; -1 U2 STA l_xi ; xi = -1; LDA l_x1 SEC SBC l_x2 STA l_dx ; dx = x1 - x2 ;// ustalenie kierunku rysowania oraz kroków zmiennych ;// deciding what direction to draw + steps ;if (y1 < y2) y1my2 ; [y1<y2] ;if LDA l_y1 CMP l_y2 Bcc y1my2_ jmp y1wy2 y1my2_ ;then LDA #1 STA l_yi ; yi = 1; LDA l_y2 SEC SBC l_y1 sta l_dy ; dy = y2 - y1 jmp skok1 ;else [y1>y2] y1wy2 lda #255 ; -1 U2 STA l_yi ; yi = -1; LDA l_y1 SEC SBC l_y2 STA l_dy ; dy = y1 - x2 skok1 ;;;;; ; postaw pierwszy pixel ; put first pixel ; putpix(x1,y1); jsr debug ; spr ktora os jest wiodaca ; check 'primary axis' (longer distance) ; if (dx>dy) // (dy<dx) LDA l_dx CMP l_dy BCC wiod_oy ; wiodaca jest OY (dy>dx) ;// oś wiodąca OX wiod_ox ;ai LDA l_dy SEC SBC l_dx CLC ROL ;a STA l_ai ; ai = (dy-dx)*2 ;bi LDA l_dy CLC ROL ;a STA l_bi ; bi = dy * 2 ;d LDA l_bi SEC SBC l_dx STA l_d ; d = bi - dx whx1rx2 ;// while (x1 != x2) LDA l_x1 CMP l_x2 BEQ l_end ; if (d > 0) LDA l_d CMP #0 beq _a BPL _else _a ; <0 ; przejscie E LDA l_d CLC ADC l_bi sta l_d ; d += bi; jmp _reszta ;else [d>0] _else ; // przejście NE LDA l_y1 CLC ADC l_yi sta l_y1 ;y1 += yi; LDA l_d CLC ADC l_ai sta l_d ; d += ai; ;end else _reszta LDA l_x1 CLC ADC l_xi sta l_x1 ; x1 += xi; ;;// putpix(x1,y1); jsr debug jmp whx1rx2 ; (petla while) jmp l_end ;// os wiodaca OY (dy > dx) wiod_oy ;ai LDA l_dx SEC SBC l_dy CLC ROL ;a STA l_ai ; ai = (dx-dy)*2 ;bi LDA l_dx CLC ROL ;a STA l_bi ; bi = dx * 2 ;d LDA l_bi SEC SBC l_dy STA l_d ; d = bi - dy why1ry2 ;// while (y1 != y2) LDA l_y1 CMP l_y2 BEQ l_end ; if (d > 0) ; then LDA l_d CMP #0 BEQ _b BPL _elsey _b ; <0 LDA l_d CLC ADC l_bi sta l_d ; d += bi; jmp _resztay ;else [d>0] ; // przejście NE _elsey ; >0 LDA l_x1 CLC ADC l_xi sta l_x1 ;x1 += xi; LDA l_d CLC ADC l_ai sta l_d ; d += ai; ;end else _resztay LDA l_y1 CLC ADC l_yi sta l_y1 ; y1 += yi; ;;// putpix(x1,y1); jsr debug jmp why1ry2 ; koniec l_end RTS ; PUTPIXEL should be called instead of this debug stuff for 6502sim debug ;rts LDY #10 STy io_putc LDy #13 STy io_putc LDY l_x1 STy io_puth LDy #' ' STy io_putc LDy l_y1 STy io_puth rts
base/bresenham_s_line_algorithm.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by