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Character bullets

by Achim

Here're a few basic ideas on how to handle character bullets. Using character bullets is a bit annoying, but it's the easiest way to save sprites.


First thing to do is to set up a lookup table that holds the screen addresses for each screen row. This will make the movements a lot easier.

;create lookup table for screen rows
	lda #$00
	sta tmp0		;zp address
	sta tmp0+1		;zp address+1
	sta rowlow		;first row
	sta rowhi
lookup:	lda tmp0
	adc #40
	sta rowlow+1,x
	sta tmp0
	bcc +
	inc tmp0+1				
+	lda tmp0+1
	sta rowhi+1,x
	cpx #24			;table for all 25 screen rows
	bne lookup

rowlow:	!fill 25,0
rowhi:	!fill 25,0

'Rowhi' holds relative values (0 - 3) to make it versatile, e.g. for double buffering. A simple 'ora #screen_hibyte' will switch to the required screen buffer.

Now you can allocate x/y-coordinates to your bullets:

bullet_column = x, bullet_row = y

Set up two tables for x and y (columns and rows):

bullet_row:	!fill 8,$ff	; =y coordinate, 8 bullets, $ff=bullet not active
bullet_column:	!fill 8,0	; =x coordinate

From now on you only have to manipulate the coordinates to move the bullets. Everytime your game engine refreshes the screen data, use 'bullet_row' as an index to fetch the required screen address:

;x-reg pointing at current char bullet
	ldy bullet_row,x		;fetch current screen position
	lda rowlow,y
	sta tmp0               		;zp address
	lda rowhi,y
	ora #screen_screenhibyte	;hi-byte screen buffer, e.g. $40 = screnn buffer located at $4000
	sta tmp0+1                	;zp address+1
	ldy bullet_column,x

	;lda (tmp0),y			;to read screen address... or
	;sta (tmp0),y			;to print on screen...


1. A simple example would be a game with following specs:

  • one screen buffer
  • no scrolling
  • bullets moving only left or right

A procedure would look like this:

  1. check if bullet can be printed on screen
  2. save char underneath char-bullet
  3. save colorRAM of original char
  4. print char on screen and add color
  5. determine bullet direction

So we need five tables:

bullet_row:		!fill 8,$ff	;8 bullets, row=$ff --> bullet inactive
bullet_column:		!fill 8,0	
bullet_direction:	!fill 8,0	;e.g.: left=00, right<>00
charactertmp:		!fill 8,0	;stored char underneath bullet
colortmp:		!fill 8,0	;stored color of char underneath char bullet

In this case bullet_row=$ff means char bullet is not active and slot can be used. Each bullet is switched off by setting bullet_row to $ff.

print a new bullet on screen:

newbullet:			;called if player presses fire
	ldx #7			;maximum of 8 bullets
-	lda bullet_row,x	;check if there's a free slot
	bmi setbullet
	bpl -

	lda player_row		;precalculated screen row (=y-coordinate) of player
	sta bullet_row,x	;adjust this value if necessary, e.g. +/- 1 row
	lda player_column	;precalculated screen column (=x-coordinate) of player...
	sta bullet_column,x	;...adjust this value if necessary, e.g. +/- 1 column
	ldy bullet_row,x	;= y-coordinate
	lda rowlow,y		;fetch corresponding screen address
	sta tmp0                ;zp address
	lda rowhi,y
	ora #screen_hibyte	;hibyte of screen buffer
	sta tmp0+1

	ldy bullet_column,x	;= x-coordinate
	lda (tmp0),y		;read char underneath bullet...
	sta chararctertmp,x	;...and store it
	lda #bullet		;value of char bullet
	sta (tmp0),y		;print bullet on screen
	lda tmp0+1		;switch to colorRAM
	and #$03
	ora #$d8
	sta tmp0+1
	lda (tmp0),y		;read color of original char
	sta colortmp,x		;and store it
	lda #bulletcolor	;color of char bullet
	sta (tmp0),y		;set color

Moving the bullets:

	ldx #7
-	lda bullet_row,x
	bmi skip
	jsr move1bullet
skip	dex
	bpl -
	;restore char and color of orignal char first
	ldy bullet_row,x	;= y-coordinate
	lda rowlow,y		;fetch corresponding screen address
	sta tmp0
	lda rowhi,y
	ora #screen_hibyte	;hibyte of screen buffer
	sta tmp0+1

	ldy bullet_column,x	;= x-coordinate
	lda chararctertmp,x	;restore original char
	sta (tmp0),y		
	lda tmp0+1		;switch to colorRAM
	and #$03
	ora #$d8
	sta tmp0+1
	lda colortmp,x		;restore color
	sta (tmp0),y		

;now move the bullet
	lda bullet_direction,x	
	beq movebullet2left	;00=move to the left
	inc bullet_column,x     
	lda bullet_column,x
	cmp #40			;hitting right border?
	bcc +
	lda #$ff		;switch off bullet
	sta bullet_row,x
+	jmp printbullet		;same as above...

	dec bullet_column,x
	bpl +
	lda #$ff		;hitting left border?
	sta bullet_row,x	;switch off bullet
+	jmp printbullet		;same as above

Multiple directions

'Bullet_direction' can be used for at least 8 different directions. Idea would be to use the lower four bits for up (bit 0), down (bit 1), left (bit 2) and right (bit 3), similar to the joystick values you get from $dc00.

Moving a bullet in 8 directions could look like this:

;x-reg pointing at current bullet
	lda bullet_direction,x
	and #1				;bit 0 set?
	beq movebulletdown
	dec bullet_row,x
	bpl movebulletleft		;hitting top border? if not check left & right
	lda #$ff
	sta bullet_row,x		;then switch off bullet
	bmi movebulletleft		;continue with left&right
	lda bullet_direction,x
	and #2				;bit 1 set?
	beq movebulletleft
	inc bullet_row,x
	lda bullet_row,x
	cmp #25				;hitting bottom border?
	bcc movebulletleft
	lda #$ff			;then switch off bullet
	sta bullet_row,x		;and continue with left&right	
	lda bullet_direction,x
	and #4				;bit 2 set?
	beq movebulletright
	dec bullet_column,x
	bpl +
	lda #$ff			;hitting left border?
	sta bullet_row,x		;switch off bullet
+	rts				
	lda bullet_direction,x
	and #8				;bit 3 set?
	beq +
	inc bullet_column,x
	lda bullet_column,x
	cmp #40				;hitting right border?
	bcc +
	lda #$ff			;switch off bullet
	sta bullet_row,x
+	rts

Manipulate the coordinates like this and then again refresh the screen data ('printbullet', see above)

Scrolling screen

Scrolling the screen data automatically moves the char bullets as well, of course. The effect will be a line of char bullets on screen. So the game engine has to delete the char bullets left behind. This should be done when the hardscrolling is finished. Read the bullet tables to figure out which bullet is on screen. Adjust the coordinates according to the scrolling direction and restore the original char of the backdrop.

base/character_bullets.txt · Last modified: 2024-06-26 09:45 by icepic