Colour Flashing Notewriter Style
Have you saw programs like Face Noter, Octanoter, etc. All those programs use a special extra colour mode, to activate char flashing. Some of you may find it to be really difficult to understand how it works, but it is actually *that* easy to remember. All you need to do is switch $D011 to $5b to get extra colour mode, and create a colour cycling routine. Here's a routine for it.
;=============================== ;Flashing colours in EBC mode ;=============================== flashpt = $02 !to "flasher.prg",cbm * = $0810 sei lda #$00 sta flashpt sta $d020 sta $d021 lda #<irq ldx #>irq sta $314 stx $315 lda #$7f sta $dc0d lda #$5b sta $d011 ;Swich on EBC mode lda #$01 sta $d01a cli rts ;Just end here for now irq inc $d019 jsr flash jmp $ea31 flash inc flashpt lda colour1,x sta $d022 ;EBC Multicolour 1 lda colour2,x sta $d023 ;EBC Multicolour 2 lda colour3,x sta $d024 ;EBC Multicolour 3 inx cpx #$28 beq resetf inc flashpt rts resetf ldx #$00 stx flashpt rts colour1 !byte $09,$09,$02,$02,$08,$08,$0a,$0a !byte $07,$07,$01,$01,$07,$07,$0a,$0a !byte $08,$08,$02,$02,$09,$09,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00 colour2 !byte $06,$06,$04,$04,$0e,$0e,$05,$05 !byte $0d,$0d,$01,$01,$0d,$0d,$05,$05 !byte $0e,$0e,$04,$04,$06,$06,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00 colour3 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$09,$09,$02,$02,$08,$08 !byte $05,$05,$0d,$0d,$01,$01,$0d,$0d !byte $05,$05,$08,$08,$02,$02,$09,$09 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
base/colour_flashing_notewriter_style.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by