Displaying a bitmap at $2000 the most simplest way
You may have wondered how is this possible to display a multicolour bitmap pic at $2000 the most simplest way? How can I do it with a Koala paint picture? Well, it is simple. Before you're able to display the picture's bitmap (which will be at $2000), you will be required to use Brix/Plush's picture splitter (Take a look in CSDB for Tools 4 Fools disk #7), once done, save your bitmap to $2000, Videoram to $4000 and Colour RAM to $4400. Ok, now here is the source code for the picture display in ACME format)
;Picture displayer bordercolour = 0 backgroundcolour = 0 vidmem = $4000 colmem = $4400 !to "picdisplayer.prg",cbm * = $2000 !binary "mypicture.prg" * = $4000 !binary "myvideoram.prg" * = $4400 !binary "mycolourram.prg" * = $4800 ;Where main code lies sei lda #bordercolour ldx #backgroundcolour sta $d020 stx $d021 lda #$3b ;<--- Turn on bitmap mode ldx #$18 ;<--- Turn on all bitmap characters ldy #$03 sta $d011 stx $d018 stx $d016 sty $dd00 ldx #$00 setpic lda vidmem,x sta $0400,x lda vidmem+$100,x sta $0500,x lda vidmem+$200,x sta $0600,x lda vidmem+$2e8,x sta $06e8,x lda colmem,x sta $d800,x lda colmem+$100,x sta $d900,x lda colmem+$200,x sta $da00,x lda colmem+$2e8,x sta $dae8,x inx bne setpic hold lda $dc01 cmp #$ef bne hold jmp $fce2 ; C64 reset
base/displaying_a_picture_at_2000.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by