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	; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	;	afli-fpp-scroll
	;	----------------------
	;	coding: testicle/payday
	;	logo: fabu/payday
	;	musik: anvil/topaz beerline
	;	afli-char: tts/oxyron
	;	contact and payday-releases:
	;	------------------------------------
	;	this sourcecode is best view with the font "tahoma", font size 9.
	;	you can compile this code using the ACME crossassembler. get the complete
	;	package including resource files at
	;	the code was written with Relaunch64, the c64-crossassembler-tool
	;	for windows-pc. grab it at!
	; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------------------------
;	globale variablen
; --------------------------------------------------

!to "flifpp-scroll.prg"


; --------------------------------------------------
;	includes der roh-daten
; --------------------------------------------------

;*= $0800
;!byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a, $00,$9e,$33,$32,$37,$36,$38,$00,$00,$00,$00

*= $1000
!bin "music.bin"

*= $2000
!bin "pic-bmp.bin"

*= pic_char
!bin "pic-data.bin"

*= fli_sinen
!bin "fliscroll-sinen.bin"

*= $c000
!bin "fli-char.bin"

*= $3800
!bin "fastload.bin"

; --------------------------------------------------
;	start des haupt-sourcecodes
; --------------------------------------------------

*= $8000
		lda #0
		jsr $e536
		lda #<firq
		sta $0314
		lda #>firq
		sta $0315
		lda #1
		sta $d01a
		lda #$7f
		sta $dc0d
		lda #$38
		sta $d012
		lda #$1b
		sta $d011
		lda #0
		sta $d020
		sta $d021
		sta $dc0e
		;most zeropage-adresses are used as counter-variables
		;for the fpp-effects

		sta $50
		sta $52
		sta $53
		sta $55
		sta $56
		sta $45
		sta $46
		sta $35
		sta $36
		sta $60
		sta $62
		sta $64
		sta $63
		sta $68
		sta $d001
		jsr $1000
		lda #16
		sta $65
		lda #text
		sta $51
		lda #8
		sta $27
		sta $34
		sta $37
		sta $54
		sta $57
		sta $44
		sta $47
		ldx #0
.loop1		lda #0
.cnt1		sta $4000,x
		bne .loop1
		inc .cnt1+2
		lda .cnt1+2
		cmp #$80
		bne .loop1
		lda #$40
		sta .cnt1+2
		ldx #0
.loop2		lda #$cc			;bitmap or "pattern" of the flichar
		sta $6140,x
		sta $6240,x
		bne .loop2
		ldx #0
.loop3		lda pic_char+$28,x		;payday-logo init
		sta $0450,x
		lda pic_farb+$28,x
		sta $d850,x
		lda pic_char+$0128,x
		sta $0550,x
		lda pic_farb+$0128,x
		sta $d950,x
		bne .loop3
loading	lda #0
		beq loading

		jsr $c800
		ldx #8
		ldy #1
		jsr $ffba
		lda #2
		ldx #<.fname
		ldy #>.fname
		jsr $ffbd
		lda #0
		jsr $ffd5
		jmp nextpart

!ct pet
!tx "4*"

; --------------------------------------------------
;	dummy-irq: short break before start
; --------------------------------------------------
firq		inc $d019
		lda #$7b
		sta $d011
.wait		lda #50
		dec .wait+1
		lda .wait+1
		bne .weiter
		lda #<irq1
		sta $0314
		lda #>irq1
		sta $0315
		lda #$3a
		sta $d012
.weiter	jmp $ea7e

; --------------------------------------------------
;	first irq: afli-routine (display afli-scroller)
; --------------------------------------------------

irq1		inc $d019
save		lda #$c7		;soft-position of scroller
		sta $d016
		lda #2
		sta $dd00

		ldy #$3c
		lda #$7c
		cpy $d012
		bne *-3
!set m=0
!do {
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3d
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+1+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3e
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+2+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3f
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+3+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$38
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+4+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$39
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+5+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3a
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+6+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3b
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+7+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3c
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+8+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3d
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+9+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3e
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+10+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3f
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+11+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$38
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+12+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$39
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+13+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3a
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+14+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3b
		sta $d011
		lda chartab+15+m
		sta $d018
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #$3c
!set m=m+16
} until m=96

		lda #$7b
		sta $d011

		lda #$9f
		sta $d012
		lda #$1b
		sta $d011
		lda #<irq2
		sta $0314
		lda #>irq2
		sta $0315
		jmp $ea7e

; --------------------------------------------------
;	second irq: calculate afli-scroller
;	this irq displays the payday-logo.
;	furthermore, the different fpp-effects are
;	calculated and the scroll-routine is run
; --------------------------------------------------

irq2		inc $d019

		lda #3
		sta $dd00
		lda #$19
		sta $d018
		lda #$3b
		sta $d011
		lda #$d8
		sta $d016
		cmp ($00,x)
		lda #15
		ldy $d012
		cpy $d012
		beq *-3
		sta $d020
		sta $d021

		lda #0
		ldy $d012
		cpy $d012
		beq *-3
		sta $d020		
		sta $d021

showlogo	lda #$7b		;logo off in the beginning
		sta $d011

		jsr clear			;clear chartab (the $d018-value)
					;these values are used by the afli-scrollers, and set by the fpp-effects

		lda $65			;check out, which effect is currently activated
		cmp #1
		bne .boot1
		jsr fpp1
		jmp back
.boot1	cmp #2
		bne .boot2
		jsr fpp2
		jmp back
.boot2	cmp #3
		bne .boot3
		jsr fpp3
		jmp back
.boot3	cmp #4
		bne .boot4
		jsr fpp4
		jmp back
.boot4	cmp #5
		bne .boot5
		jsr fpp5
		jmp back
.boot5	cmp #6
		bne .boot6
		jsr fpp6
		jmp back
.boot6	cmp #7
		bne .boot7
		jsr fpp7
		jmp back
.boot7	cmp #8
		bne .boot8
		jsr fpp8
		jmp back
.boot8	cmp #9
		bne .boot9
		jsr fpp9
		jmp back
.boot9	cmp #10
		bne .boot10
		jsr fpp10
		jmp back
.boot10	cmp #11
		bne .boot11
		jsr fpp11
		jmp back
.boot11	cmp #12
		bne .boot12
		jsr fpp12
		jmp back
.boot12	cmp #13
		bne .boot13
		jsr fpp13
		jmp back
.boot13	cmp #14
		bne .boot14
		jsr fpp14
		jmp back
.boot14	cmp #15
		bne .boot15
		jsr fpp15
		jmp back
.boot15	cmp #16
		bne .boot16
		jsr fpp16
		jmp back
.boot16	cmp #17
		bne .boot17
		jsr fpp17
		jmp back
.boot17	cmp #18
		bne .boot18
		jsr fpp18
		jmp back
.boot18	cmp #19
		bne .boot19
		jsr fpp19
		jmp back
.boot19	cmp #20
		bne .boot20
		jsr fpp20
		jmp back
.boot20	cmp #21
		bne .boot21
		jsr fpp21
		jmp back
.boot21	cmp #22
		bne .boot22
		jsr fpp22
		jmp back
.boot22	jsr fpp4

; ------------------------------------------------------------
;	after setting up the fpp-effect
;	continue with fli-scroller
; ------------------------------------------------------------

back		lda save+1
		sec:sbc .speed
		sta save+1		;softscroll done?
		cmp #$c0
		bcc .copy
		jmp backy		;if no hardscroll, go on
.copy		lda #$c7
		sta save+1
		ldx #0
.loop1		lda $4029,x		;if softscroll done, move all chars to the left
		sta $4028,x
		lda $4429,x
		sta $4428,x
		lda $4829,x
		sta $4828,x
		lda $4c29,x
		sta $4c28,x
		lda $5029,x
		sta $5028,x
		lda $5429,x
		sta $5428,x
		lda $5829,x
		sta $5828,x
		lda $5c29,x
		sta $5c28,x
		lda $6029,x
		sta $6028,x
		lda $6429,x
		sta $6428,x
		lda $6829,x
		sta $6828,x
		lda $6c29,x
		sta $6c28,x
		lda $7029,x
		sta $7028,x
		lda $7429,x
		sta $7428,x
		lda $7829,x
		sta $7828,x
		inx:cpx #40
		bne .loop1

.fadeout	jmp .nofade

.nofade	lda $52			;check out if new char is to be set or the rest of 
		beq .out1		;an old char is to be displayed
		jmp out2

.out1		ldy #0			;read new sign
		lda ($50),y
		cmp #$a0		;sign for activating the space-key?
		bcc .slogo
		lda #$dc		;if yes, free space-key
		sta backy+2
		lda #$20
.slogo		txa			;sign for activating logo?
		cmp #$80
		bcc .yoyo
		lda #$3b		;if so, activate logo
		sta showlogo+1
		lda #$20
.yoyo		txa			;the chars from $60 to $68 in the scroller
		cmp #$60		;are responsible for the different scrollspeeds
		bcc .yoyo1
		and #15
		sta .speed
		lda #$20
.yoyo1	txa			;the chatrs from $41 to $5f are responsible
		cmp #$40		;for activating the different fpp-effects
		bcc .yoyo2
		sbc #$40
		sta $65			;store current fpp-effect-number in fpp-value ($65 zeropage)
		lda #$20
.yoyo2	txa
		bne .weiter2		;if char was 0, reset text-vector
		lda #$00
		sta $50
		lda #text
		sta $51
		lda #$20
.weiter2	sta byte		;store current char and 
		jsr textout		;display on screen

		jsr charl		;read the length of the new char (e.g.,
					;"w" is much wider than "i".

		inc $52			;and update counter for char-length
		inc $50			;increase textcounter/vector
		bne backy
		inc $51
backy		lda $d001		;don't change $d001! this is set via the
		cmp #$ef		;scroller (this is the space-key-check)
		bne .serve2
		lda #<.serve3		;space was pressed...
		sta .fadeout+1
		lda #>.serve3
		sta .fadeout+2
.serve2	jsr $1003		;play sound
		lda #<irq3
		sta $0314
		lda #>irq3
		sta $0315
		lda #$30
		sta $d012
		jmp $ea7e

;	fadeout

.serve3	jsr $1003
		dec .warten+1
.warten	lda #45
		bne .nix
		lda #<.serve4
		sta .fadeout+1
		lda #>.serve4
		sta .fadeout+2
		lda #$7b
		sta showlogo+1
.nix		lda #<irq3
		sta $0314
		lda #>irq3
		sta $0315
		lda #$30
		sta $d012
		jmp $ea7e

.serve4	jsr $1003
.leiser		lda #15
		sta $d418
		dec .leiser+1
		lda .leiser+1
		cmp #$ff
		bne .nix2

		lda #$7b
		sta $d011
		lda #0
		sta $d418
		sta $d015
		lda #$31
		sta $0314
		lda #$ea
		sta $0315
		lda #0
		sta $d01a
		sta $d020
		sta $d021
		jsr $e536
		lda #$81
		sta $dc0d
		ldx #0
.fload		lda $3800,x
		sta $c800,x
		lda $3900,x
		sta $c900,x
		lda $3a00,x
		sta $ca00,x
		lda $3b00,x
		sta $cb00,x
		lda $3c00,x
		sta $cc00,x
		lda $3d00,x
		sta $cd00,x
		lda $3e00,x
		sta $ce00,x
		lda $3f00,x
		sta $cf00,x
		inx:bne .fload
		lda #1
		sta loading+1
		jmp $ea7e

.nix2		lda #<irq3
		sta $0314
		lda #>irq3
		sta $0315
		lda #$30
		sta $d012
		jmp $ea7e

.speed					;scroll-speed
!byte 2

; --------------------------------------------------
;	third  irq: upper rasterline
; --------------------------------------------------

irq3		inc $d019

		ldy $d012
		cpy $d012
		beq *-3
		lda #15
		ldy $d012
		cpy $d012
		beq *-3
		sta $d020
		lda #0
		ldy $d012
		cpy $d012
		beq *-3

		sta $d020
		lda #$3a
		sta $d012
		lda #$1b
		sta $d011
		lda #<irq1
		sta $0314
		lda #>irq1
		sta $0315
		jmp $ea7e

; --------------------------------------------------
;	text-out
;	this routine reads the afli-data of
;	a new char and writes it in the afli-matrix/pattern
; --------------------------------------------------

textout	lda byte		;read char
		asl:asl:asl		;hi-byte of char
		sta $53			;needs to be stored
textit		lda $c000,x		;load char-data and write
		sta $404f		;it into the afli-matrix
		lda $c100,x
		sta $444f
		lda $c200,x
		sta $484f
		lda $c300,x
		sta $4c4f
		lda $c400,x
		sta $504f
		lda $c500,x
		sta $544f
		lda $c600,x
		sta $584f
		lda $c700,x
		sta $5c4f
		lda $c800,x
		sta $604f
		lda $c900,x
		sta $644f
		lda $ca00,x
		sta $684f
		lda $cb00,x
		sta $6c4f
		lda $cc00,x
		sta $704f
		lda $cd00,x
		sta $744f

; --------------------------------------------------
;	out2
;	this routine does not set a new char, but
;	reads the remaining parts of the current char
;	and writes it in the afli-matrix
; --------------------------------------------------

out2		inc $53			;position of current char-value
		ldx $53
		jsr textit		;out chatr
		inc $52			;increase charlength-counter
		lda $52
leng		cmp #5			;char finished?
		bne .weiter
		lda #0			;if yes, reset
		sta $52
.weiter	jmp backy

; --------------------------------------------------
;	charl
;	this routine calculates the length of a char
; --------------------------------------------------

charl		ldx byte
		lda chle,x
		sta leng+1
!byte 2,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,2,4,4,4,6,4,4,4,4
!byte 4,4,4,4,4,6,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,2,3
!byte 0

; --------------------------------------------------
;	clear
;	this routine clears the chartable,
;	the $d018-values of the afli-routine
;	of the first irq.
; --------------------------------------------------

clear		ldx #0
		lda #$f8
.ooo		sta chartab,x
		inx:bpl .ooo

; --------------------------------------------------
;	start of the fpp-effects
;	the fpp-effectsare activated in the scroll-text.
;	$40+effectnumber activates the effect.
;	byte $46 in the scrolltext means,
;	fpp6 will be activated.
; --------------------------------------------------

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp1: stretch mit pixellines
; --------------------------------------------------

.sinz		ldx #0
		ldy #0
.setp		lda #$e8
		sta chartab,y
		adc sinus,x
		lda .setp+1
		clc:adc #$10
		sta .setp+1
		cmp #$e8
		beq .ready
		jmp .setp
.ready		lda #$e8
		sta .setp+1
		sta chartab,y
		inc .sinz+1
		lda .sinz+1
		cmp #95
		bcc .serve
		lda #0
		sta .sinz+1
.serve		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp2: sourround
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp2		ldy $62
.loop		ldx fli_sinen+$0200,y
.incr		lda #8
		sta chartab+3,x
		cpx #8
		bcc .weiter
		cpx #$4c
		bcs .weiter
		sta chartab+4,x
.weiter	iny
		lda .incr+1:clc
		adc #$10:sta .incr+1
		bcc .loop
		lda #8
		sta .incr+1
		inc $62

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp3: swing
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp3		ldy $63
		ldx fli_sinen+$0300,y
.loop		lda #8
		sta chartab+1,x
		lda .loop+1:clc
		adc #$10:sta .loop+1
		bcc .loop
		lda #8
		sta .loop+1
		inc $63

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp4: normal
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp4		ldx #32
.loop		lda #8
		sta chartab,x
		lda .loop+1:clc

		adc #$10:sta .loop+1
		bcc .loop
		lda #8
		sta .loop+1

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp5: normaler scroll, der sourrounded wird
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp5		lda $62
		cmp #$20
		bcc .first
		cmp #$60
		bcc .second
		cmp #$a0
		bcc .first
		cmp #$e0
		bcc .second
.first		jsr fpp4
		jsr fpp2
		jsr mirror
.second	jsr fpp2
		jsr fpp4
		jsr mirror

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp6: swing über pixel-stretsch, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp6		jsr fpp1
		jsr fpp3
		jsr mirror

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp7: stretch full
; --------------------------------------------------

.sinz		ldx #0

		ldy #0
.setp		lda #$e8
		sta chartab+0,y
		sta chartab+1,y
		sta chartab+2,y
		sta chartab+3,y
		sta chartab+4,y
		sta chartab+5,y
		sta chartab+6,y
		sta chartab+7,y
		sta chartab+8,y
		sta chartab+9,y
		sta chartab+10,y
		adc sinus2,x
		lda .setp+1
		clc:adc #$10
		sta .setp+1
		cmp #$e8
		beq .ready
		jmp .setp
.ready		lda #$e8
		sta .setp+1
		sta chartab+0,y
		sta chartab+1,y
		sta chartab+2,y
		sta chartab+3,y
		sta chartab+4,y
		sta chartab+5,y
		sta chartab+6,y
		sta chartab+7,y
		sta chartab+8,y
		sta chartab+9,y
		sta chartab+10,y
		inc .sinz+1
		lda .sinz+1
		cmp #95
		bcc .serve
		lda #0
		sta .sinz+1
.serve		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp8: stretch full, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp8		jsr fpp7
		jsr mirror

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp9: normaler-scroll, half-surround
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp9		ldy $64
		lda fli_sinen+$0100,y
		sta $62
		jsr fpp4
		jsr fpp5
		jsr mirror
		inc $64
		lda $64
		cmp #$af
		bcc .serve
		lda #0
		sta $64
.serve		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp10: stretch full, gespiegelt, mit swing drüber
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp10		jsr fpp7
		jsr mirror
		jsr fpp3

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp11: swingende rolle
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp11		ldy $68
		ldx fli_sinen,y
fpprolle	lda aa
		sta chartab,x
		lda aa+5
		sta chartab+1,x
		lda aa+9
		sta chartab+2,x
		lda aa+12
		sta chartab+3,x
		lda aa+13
		sta chartab+4,x
		lda aa+14
		sta chartab+5,x
		lda aa+15
		sta chartab+6,x
		sta chartab+7,x
		lda aa+16
		sta chartab+8,x
		sta chartab+9,x
		sta chartab+10,x
		lda aa+17
		sta chartab+11,x
		sta chartab+12,x
		sta chartab+13,x
		sta chartab+14,x
		lda aa+18
		sta chartab+15,x
		sta chartab+16,x
		sta chartab+17,x
		sta chartab+18,x
		sta chartab+19,x
		lda aa+19
		sta chartab+20,x
		sta chartab+21,x
		sta chartab+22,x
		sta chartab+23,x
		sta chartab+24,x
		sta chartab+25,x
		lda aa+20
		sta chartab+26,x
		sta chartab+27,x
		sta chartab+28,x
		sta chartab+29,x
		sta chartab+30,x
		lda aa+21
		sta chartab+31,x
		sta chartab+32,x
		sta chartab+33,x
		sta chartab+34,x
		lda aa+22
		sta chartab+35,x
		sta chartab+36,x
		sta chartab+37,x
		lda aa+23
		sta chartab+38,x
		sta chartab+39,x
		lda aa+24
		sta chartab+40,x
		lda aa+25
		sta chartab+41,x
		lda aa+27
		sta chartab+42,x
		lda aa+30
		sta chartab+43,x
		lda aa+34
		sta chartab+44,x
		lda aa+39
		sta chartab+45,x
		lda $68
		and #1
		bne .ende
		ldx #0
		ldy aa
.loop		lda aa+1,x
		sta aa,x
		inx:cpx #$2a
		bne .loop
		sty aa+$29
.ende		inc $68

!byte $08,$18,$28,$38,$48,$58,$68,$78
!byte $88,$98,$a8,$b8,$c8,$d8,$08,$18
!byte $28,$38,$48,$58,$68,$78,$88,$98
!byte $a8,$b8,$c8,$d8,$08,$18,$28,$38
!byte $48,$58,$68,$78,$88,$98,$a8,$b8
!byte $c8,$d8

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp12: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp12		jsr fpp11
		jsr mirror

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp13: swingende rolle, gespiegelt, mit swing drüber
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp13		jsr fpp11
		jsr mirror
		jsr fpp3

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp14: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

.sinz		ldx #0
		ldy #0
.setp		lda $27
		sta chartab,y
		adc sinus3,x
		lda $27
		adc #$10
		sta $27
		cmp #$e8
		beq .ready
		jmp .setp
.ready		lda #$08
		sta $27
		sta chartab,y
		inc .sinz+1
		lda .sinz+1
		cmp #99
		bcc .serve
		lda #0
		sta .sinz+1
.serve		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp15: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp15		jsr fpp17
		jsr mirror

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp16: rolle mit surround
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp16		lda $62
		cmp #$24
		bcc .w1
		cmp #$60
		bcc .w2
		cmp #$a0
		bcc .w1
		cmp #$e0
		bcc .w2
.w1		ldx #$13
		jsr fpprolle
		jsr fpp2
.w2		jsr fpp2
		ldx #$13
		jsr fpprolle

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp17: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

.sinz		ldx #0
		ldy #0
.setp		lda #$e8
		sta chartab+0,y
		sta chartab+1,y
		sta chartab+2,y
		sta chartab+3,y
		sta chartab+4,y
		sta chartab+5,y
		sta chartab+6,y
		sta chartab+7,y
		sta chartab+8,y
		sta chartab+9,y
		sta chartab+10,y
		adc sinus4,x
		lda .setp+1
		clc:adc #$10
		sta .setp+1
		cmp #$e8
		beq .ready
		jmp .setp
.ready		lda #$e8
		sta .setp+1
		sta chartab+0,y
		sta chartab+1,y
		sta chartab+2,y
		sta chartab+3,y
		sta chartab+4,y
		sta chartab+5,y
		sta chartab+6,y
		sta chartab+7,y
		sta chartab+8,y
		sta chartab+9,y
		sta chartab+10,y
		inc .sinz+1
		lda .sinz+1
		cmp #99
		bcc .serve
		lda #0
		sta .sinz+1
.serve		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp18: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp18		lda $54
		lda $56
.cnt		ldx $56
.loop		ldy sinus6,x
		beq .nichts
		ldx $55
		lda $54
.loop2		sta chartab,x
		bne .loop2
		stx $55
.nichts	lda $54
		adc #$10
		sta $54
		inc $56
		lda $55
		cmp #96
		bcc .cnt
		inc .wait+1
.wait		lda #1
		and #1
		bne .w3
.w3		cpx #72
		bne .w2
		ldx #0
.w2		stx $56
		adc #$10

		sta $54
		lda #0
		sta $55
.weiter	rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp19: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

.sinz		ldx #0
		ldy #0
.setp		lda #$e8
		sta chartab+0,y
		sta chartab+1,y
		sta chartab+2,y
		sta chartab+3,y
		sta chartab+4,y
		sta chartab+5,y
		sta chartab+6,y
		sta chartab+7,y
		sta chartab+8,y
		sta chartab+9,y
		sta chartab+10,y
		adc sinus5,x
		lda .setp+1
		clc:adc #$10
		sta .setp+1
		cmp #$e8
		beq .ready
		jmp .setp
.ready		lda #$e8
		sta .setp+1
		sta chartab+0,y
		sta chartab+1,y
		sta chartab+2,y
		sta chartab+3,y
		sta chartab+4,y
		sta chartab+5,y
		sta chartab+6,y
		sta chartab+7,y
		sta chartab+8,y
		sta chartab+9,y
		sta chartab+10,y
		inc .sinz+1
		lda .sinz+1
		cmp #66
		bcc .serve
		lda #0
		sta .sinz+1
.serve		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp20: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp20		lda $44
		lda $46
.cnt		ldx $46
.loop		ldy sinus6,x
		beq .nichts
		ldx $45
		lda $44
.loop2		sta chartab,x
		bne .loop2
		stx $45
.nichts	lda $44
		adc #$10
		sta $44
		inc $46
		lda $45
		cmp #96
		bcc .cnt
		inc .wait+1
.wait		lda #1
		and #1
		bne .w3
.w3		cpx #72
		bne .w2
		ldx #0
.w2		stx $46
		sbc #$10
		sta $44
		lda #0
		sta $45
.weiter	rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp21: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp21		lda $34
.cnt		ldx $36
.loop		ldy sinus6,x
		beq .nichts
		ldx $35
		lda $34
.loop2		sta chartab,x
		bne .loop2
		stx $35
.nichts	lda $34
		adc #$10
		sta $34
		inc $36
		lda $35
		cmp #96
		bcc .cnt
		inc .wait+1
.wait		lda #1
		and #1
		bne .w3
.w3		cpx #72
		bne .w2
		ldx #0
.w2		stx $36
		sbc #$10
		sta $34
		lda #0
		sta $35
.weiter		rts

; --------------------------------------------------
;	fpp22: sourround-schlange
; --------------------------------------------------

fpp22		ldy $62
.cnt		lda #5
.loop		ldx fli_sinen+$0200,y
.incr		lda #8
		sta chartab+3,x
		cpx #8
		bcc .weiter
		cpx #$4c
		bcs .weiter
		sta chartab+4,x
.weiter	iny
		lda .incr+1:clc
		adc #$10:sta .incr+1
		bcc .loop
		lda #8
		sta .incr+1
		dec .cnt+1
		lda .cnt+1
		bne .loop
		lda #5
		sta .cnt+1
		inc $62

; --------------------------------------------------
;	mirror: dieser effekt spiegelt
;	die fpp-effekte
; --------------------------------------------------

mirror		ldx #65
		ldy #65
.loop		lda chartab,x
		sta chartab+1,y
		cpy #93
		bne .loop
		lda #$f8
.coco		ldx #0
		sta chartab+65

; --------------------------------------------------
;	char-tabelle.
;	hier liegen die $d018-werte der
;	afli-routine
; --------------------------------------------------

*= $8f00
!fill 255,0

; --------------------------------------------------
;	sinen.
;	hier liegen die sinen für die
;	verschiedenen fpp-effekte
; --------------------------------------------------

*= $9000
!fill 40,0
!byte 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3
!byte 3,2,2,1
!fill 90,00
*= $9100
!fill 40,0
!byte 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4
!byte 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1
!fill 90,00
*= $9200
!byte 0,0,0
!byte 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5
!byte 5,5,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4
!byte 4,3,3,3,2,2,1,0,0,1
!byte 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,3
!byte 3,3,2,2,1,0,0,1,1,2
!byte 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5
!byte 5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6
!byte 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3
!byte 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,5,5,4
!byte 4,3,3,2,2,1,0,0,0

!byte 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3
!byte 3,2,2,1,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,2,2
*= $9300
!byte 0,0,0
!byte 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4
!byte 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3
!byte 3,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0
!byte 1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4
!byte 4,3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,2
!byte 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5
!byte 5,5,5,6,6,6,5,5,5,4
!byte 4,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3
!byte 3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,4
!byte 4,3,3,2,2,1,0,0,0

!byte 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4
!byte 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3
!byte 3,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0

*= $9400
!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,3

!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1

!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,3

!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1

!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,3

!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1

*= $9500
!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3
!byte 3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5
!byte 4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
!byte 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3
!byte 3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5
!byte 4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
!byte 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3
!byte 3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5
!byte 4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3
!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
!byte 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

; --------------------------------------------------
;	der scroll-text
;	endmarke:	$00
;	logo aktivieren:	$80
;	space:		$a0
;	speed:		$61-$68
;	effekte:	$41-$55
; --------------------------------------------------

*= $9600
!ct scr

!tx " "
!byte $44
!tx "          welcome to another part presented by testicle of"
!byte $64
!text "   "
!byte $68
!tx "                 "

!byte $43
!tx "payday"

!byte $80

!byte $61
!tx "            "
!byte $62

!byte $41
!tx "   this time with a very nice afli fpp scroller"
!tx "              "

!byte $42
!tx "the credits go as following"
!tx "              "

!byte $52
!tx "the incredible coding was done by"
!tx "              "
!byte $61

!byte $53
!tx "testicle of payday"
!tx "              "
!byte $62

!byte $54
!tx "the old but still beautiful logo you see was painted by"
!tx "              "
!byte $61

!byte $56
!tx "fabu of payday"
!tx "              "
!byte $62

!byte $55
!tx "the sound you can hear was composed by"
!tx "              "
!byte $61

!byte $4b
!tx "anvil of topaz beerline"
!tx "              "
!byte $62

!byte $46
!tx "and this nice afli charset was painted by"
!tx "              "
!byte $61

!byte $50
!tx "tts of oxyron"
!tx "              "
!byte $62

!byte $a0

!byte $4e
!tx "now that you have seen some nice effects you can use space to continue"
!tx "              "

!byte $48
!tx "or you take some time to watch all remaining effects"
!tx "              "
!byte $64

!byte $45
!tx "at this point i want to thank fabu for being lazy and not supporting any new stuff for this demo   he he he"
!tx "              "
!byte $62

!byte $4f
!tx "but anyway   the old grafix i found were good enough though"
!tx "              "

!byte $4c
!tx "i really would like to send some greetings"
!tx "              "

!byte $4a
!tx "but payday actually knows no one to greet because we were away from scene for over eight years"
!tx "              "

!byte $54
!tx "and now we suddenly decided to release another issue of our great discmag"
!byte $68
!tx "              "
!byte $61

!byte $51
!tx "popelganda"

!tx "              "
!byte $62

!byte $49
!tx "i hope we will gather some fans around us with the new issue"
!tx "              "

!byte $53
!tx "well at least i hope we will release this issue at all   he he he"
!tx "              "

!byte $4d
!tx "ok   all effects were shown i think"
!tx "              "

!byte $50
!tx "it is time to restart this text"
!tx "              "

!byte $47
!tx "have a nice day   "
!tx "              "

!byte 0
base/fli-fpp-scroller.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by