Formant - a speech synthesis
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Formant - a speech synthesis program for the C64 ; (c) 2007 Radwar Enterprises 1941 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; a small intoduction to formant synthesis ; each letter or phonem is created by 3 (or more) frequencies F1,F2,F3 ; each frequency has an amplitude A1,A2,A3 (and a bandwith which is not used here) ; F0 is a "base" frequency which determines the "gender" of the speaker F0=100 Hz: male ; F0=150 Hz: female ; each phonem has a Volume of "Voiced" sound AV (e.g. vocals) and "Fricative" Sound AF (e.g. "f" or "s") ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; implementation: ; The Frequencies F1-F3 are perfectly suitable for the SID :-) ; The Amplitude A1-A3 is represented by the Sustain-Value of a normal ADSR-Curve (Attack and Decay are 0) ; The F0 frequency is generated via $d418-Digi, but can be omitted. We kept it to mask some minor noise-glitches ; To get a F0 of 100Hz, we set a Timer-IRQ to 5 ms (200 Hz) and toggle $D418 ; If AV is larger than AF then we use the Triangle-wave otherwise Noise-Wave ; To transit from one phonem to the next, we just use a linear interpolation of 10 steps. ; So a transition from one phonem takes 100 ms in steps of 10 ms (every second time, our F0-Timer-IRQ is called :-) ; We use double-buffering for the sound-data. While one sentence is "spoken", the next is calculated ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This code was written using Relaunch64 and the ACME-Compiler *= $0801 ; SYS 2061 !byte $23,$08,$95,$07,$9e !text "2080 RADWAR ENTERPRISES" !byte $00,$00,$00 ; !to "radwar-speech.prg" MCP2 = $02 MCP3 = MCP2+1 MCP4 = MCP2+2 MCP5 = MCP2+3 MCP6 = MCP2+4 MCP7 = MCP2+5 ZP1 = MCP7+1 ; general ZP-Pointer ZP2 = ZP1+2 ; general ZP-Pointer ZP3 = ZP2+2 ; general ZP-Pointer ZP4 = ZP3+2 ; general ZP-Pointer GPZ = ZP4+2 ; Pointer GetPara GPZCNT = GPZ+2 ; Counter GetPara MPR = GPZCNT+2 ; for Multiplication MPD = MPR+2 ; for Multiplication PROD = MPD+2 ; for Multiplication irqcntlo = PROD+2 ; sound counter irqcntmaxlo = irqcntlo+2 ; sound counter max value irqcntmaxsav = irqcntmaxlo+1 ; store last sound counter max value d418store = irqcntmaxlo+2 ; Store, D418-Pulsecode irqms = irqcntmaxlo+3 ; Counter, only F0-basesound or sound output charcnt = irqcntmaxlo+4 ; Counter, how many chars charcntsav = irqcntmaxlo+5 ; Store for charcnt nasal1 = irqcntmaxlo+6 ; Store, F1(x0)=0 ? nasal2 = irqcntmaxlo+7 ; Store, F1(x1)=0 ? whichBank = irqcntmaxlo+8 ; Store, which bank (1/2) is used for talking/computing (0: IRQ has finished last sentence) speechzp = irqcntmaxlo+9 ; Pointer to speechdata f1zp = speechzp+2 ; Pointer to F1 f2zp = speechzp+4 ; Pointer to F2 f3zp = speechzp+6 ; Pointer to F3 a1zp = speechzp+8 ; Pointer to A1 a2zp = speechzp+10 ; Pointer to A2 a3zp = speechzp+12 ; Pointer to A3 avzp = speechzp+14 ; Pointer to AV afzp = speechzp+16 ; Pointer to AF f1izp = speechzp+18 ; Pointer to F1 during IRQ f2izp = speechzp+20 ; Pointer to F2 during IRQ f3izp = speechzp+22 ; Pointer to F3 during IRQ a1izp = speechzp+24 ; Pointer to A1 during IRQ a2izp = speechzp+26 ; Pointer to A1 during IRQ a3izp = speechzp+28 ; Pointer to A1 during IRQ avizp = speechzp+30 ; Pointer to AV during IRQ afizp = speechzp+32 ; Pointer to AF during IRQ DestTab = ZP1 x0 = ZP1+3 y0 = ZP1+4 x1 = ZP1+5 y1 = ZP1+6 ax = ZP1+7 ay = ZP1+8 vx = ZP1+9 vy = ZP1+10 vz = ZP1+11 cx = x0 cy = y0 FreqTabLo = FREQTABLES FreqTabHi = FREQTABLES+$0100 F1A = FREQTABLES+$0200 F2A = FREQTABLES+$0300 F3A = FREQTABLES+$0400 A1A = FREQTABLES+$0500 A2A = FREQTABLES+$0600 A3A = FREQTABLES+$0700 AVA = FREQTABLES+$0800 AFA = FREQTABLES+$0900 F1B = FREQTABLES+$0a00 F2B = FREQTABLES+$0b00 F3B = FREQTABLES+$0c00 A1B = FREQTABLES+$0d00 A2B = FREQTABLES+$0e00 A3B = FREQTABLES+$0f00 AVB = FREQTABLES+$1000 AFB = FREQTABLES+$1100 MAIN SEI LDA #$35 STA $01 ;--------------------------------------- lda #0 tay ldx #12 .l1 sta FREQTABLES,y iny bne .l1 inc .l1+2 dex bpl .l1 ; initialize $d400 JSR MEMCOPY !byte Q0-* !byte MCP2; $02 !word SIDTAB !word $D400 !word $18 Q0 ; to save memory, we quantize SID-Values 200 Hz , 216,8 Hz , 233,6 Hz ... ; this generates the table of SID-Values JSR genFreq !byte Q4-* !byte ZP1 !word FreqTabLo !word FreqTabHi Q4 ; Initialize IRQs LDX #$05 .LOOP LDA IRTB,X STA $FFFA,X DEX BPL .LOOP LDA $dc0e ; load CIA 1 CR A AND #$fe ; stop timer A STA $dc0e ; write back ; PAL clock speed / $133e ~= 200 Hz = 5 ms => F0 100Hz via $d418 LDA #$13 ; STA $dc05 ; set CIA 1 timer A LDA #$3e ; STA $dc04 LDA #$81 ; CIA 1 ICR, enable STA $dc0d ; underflow timer A LDA $dc0f ; load CIA 1 CR B AND #$fe ; stop timer B STA $dc0f ; write back lda#0 sta irqms ldx #2 ; chooses the double-buffering sound-bank jsr InitFTabellen ; lda #$f1 ; if you like, play with some filters ; sta $d417 ; lda #$1f lda #15 sta $d418 sta d418store lda #0 ; stop talking sta whichBank CLI LDA $dc0e ; load CIA 1 CR A ORA #$01 ; start timer A STA $dc0e ; write back ; Pointer to speech data lda #<SPEECHTAB sta speechzp lda #>SPEECHTAB sta speechzp+1 ldy #0 lda (speechzp),y sta charcnt tay iny sty charcntsav lda TIMETAB,y sta irqcntmaxsav jsr nextWord ; calculate F1-F3, A1-A3, AV, AF for the next sentence MAINL lda irqcntmaxsav sta irqcntmaxlo ldx #1 jsr InitFTabellen ; switch the double-buffering sound-bank ; and start talking sec lda speechzp adc charcntsav sta speechzp bcc .mainnw1 inc speechzp+1 .mainnw1 ldy #0 lda (speechzp),y bmi Finito ; $ff quits sta charcnt tay iny sty charcntsav lda TIMETAB,y sta irqcntmaxsav jsr nextWord ; calculate F1-F3, A1-A3, AV, AF for the next sentence irqIsTalking1 lda whichBank bne irqIsTalking1 ; wait until IRQ stopped talking lda irqcntmaxsav sta irqcntmaxlo ldx #2 jsr InitFTabellen ; switch the double-buffering sound-bank ; and start talking sec lda speechzp adc charcntsav sta speechzp bcc .mainnw2 inc speechzp+1 .mainnw2 ldy #0 lda (speechzp),y bmi Finito ; $ff quits sta charcnt tay iny sty charcntsav lda TIMETAB,y sta irqcntmaxsav jsr nextWord ; calculate F1-F3, A1-A3, AV, AF for the next sentence irqIsTalking2 lda whichBank bne irqIsTalking2 ; wait until IRQ stopped talking JMP MAINL Finito lda #$37 sta $01 jmp ($fffc) IRTB !byte <RTIADR,>RTIADR !byte <RTIADR,>RTIADR !byte <IRQ,>IRQ ; ============================ InitFTabellen !zone InitFTabellen ; reset the Frequency table pointers ; X-Reg = 1 => Bank1 ; X-Reg = 2 => Bank2 dex bne .Satz2 .Satz1 JSR STOREZP !byte .ift1-* !byte f1zp !word F1A !word F2A !word F3A !word A1A !word A2A !word A3A !word AVA !word AFA !word F1B !word F2B !word F3B !word A1B !word A2B !word A3B !word AVB !word AFB .ift1 ldx #1 jmp .iftall .Satz2 JSR STOREZP !byte .ift2-* !byte f1zp !word F1B !word F2B !word F3B !word A1B !word A2B !word A3B !word AVB !word AFB !word F1A !word F2A !word F3A !word A1A !word A2A !word A3A !word AVA !word AFA .ift2 ldx #2 .iftall lda f1zp+0 sta nwf1 lda f1zp+1 sta nwf1+1 lda f1zp+2 sta nwf2 lda f1zp+3 sta nwf2+1 lda f1zp+4 sta nwf3 lda f1zp+5 sta nwf3+1 lda f1zp+6 sta nwa1 lda f1zp+7 sta nwa1+1 lda f1zp+8 sta nwa2 lda f1zp+9 sta nwa2+1 lda f1zp+10 sta nwa3 lda f1zp+11 sta nwa3+1 lda f1zp+12 sta nwav lda f1zp+13 sta nwav+1 lda f1zp+14 sta nwaf lda f1zp+15 sta nwaf+1 lda #0 sta irqcntlo stx whichBank rts STOREZP jsr GETP rts ;--------------------------------------- nextWord !zone nextWord ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax cpx #7 bne .leise1a iny lda (speechzp),y tax dey .leise1a lda F1tab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 sta nasal1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax cpx #7 bne .leise1b dey lda (speechzp),y tax iny .leise1b lda F1tab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 sta nasal2 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 ; nasal sounds (n,m,nj) have F1=0 lda nasal1 bne nichtnasal1 lda #0 sta ZP1+4 sta ZP1+6 nichtnasal1 lda nasal2 bne nichtnasal2 lda ZP1+4 sta ZP1+6 nichtnasal2 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw1-* !byte ZP1 nwf1 !word F1A ;Dest-Tab .nw1 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax bne .leise2a iny lda (speechzp),y tax dey .leise2a lda F2tab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax cpx #7 bne .leise2b dey lda (speechzp),y tax iny .leise2b lda F2tab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw2-* !byte ZP1 nwf2 !word F2A ;Dest-Tab .nw2 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax bne .leise3a iny lda (speechzp),y tax dey .leise3a lda F3tab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 sta nasal1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax cpx #7 bne .leise3b dey lda (speechzp),y tax iny .leise3b lda F3tab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 sta nasal2 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw3-* !byte ZP1 nwf3 !word F3A ;Dest-Tab .nw3 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax lda A1tab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax lda A1tab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw4-* !byte ZP1 nwa1 !word A1A ;Dest-Tab .nw4 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax lda A2tab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax lda A2tab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw5-* !byte ZP1 nwa2 !word A2A ;Dest-Tab .nw5 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax lda A3tab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax lda A3tab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw6-* !byte ZP1 nwa3 !word A3A ;Dest-Tab .nw6 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax lda AVtab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax lda AVtab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw7-* !byte ZP1 nwav !word AVA ;Dest-Tab .nw7 ldy charcnt lda (speechzp),y tax lda AFtab,x sta ZP1+4 ;x0 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+3 ;y0 iny lda (speechzp),y tax lda AFtab,x sta ZP1+6 ;x1 lda TIMETAB,y sta ZP1+5 ;y1 JSR Interpolate !byte .nw8-* !byte ZP1 nwaf !word AFA ;Dest-Tab .nw8 dec charcnt beq .nwrts jmp nextWord .nwrts rts ;--------------------------------------- MEMCOPY JSR GETP MM3 LDY #$00 .L MM2 LDA (MCP2),Y STA (MCP4),Y INY BNE MM1 INC MCP3 INC MCP5 MM1 DEC MCP6 BNE .L DEC MCP7 BPL .L EXITMEM RTS ;=============== ;GETPARA ;KOPIERT DIE WERTE NACH DEM JSR ;IN DIE ANGEGEBENE ZP-ADR GETP TSX LDY #$01 LDA $0103,X STA GPZ LDA $0104,X STA GPZ+1 LDA (GPZ),Y INY STA GPZCNT CLC ADC GPZ STA $0103,X LDA GPZ+1 ADC #$00 STA $0104,X LDA (GPZ),Y TAX .L2 INY LDA (GPZ),Y STA $00,X INX CPY GPZCNT BNE .L2 RTS ;--------------------------------------- ; generates SID-Values from frequency data ; SID = Hz * 16,8 => Hz*134/8 ; Factor 10 = 1340/8 = 167,5 ; lowest frequency is 210 (0 means 0 Hz) !zone genFreq genFreq JSR GETP LDY #$00 .loop tya ldx #167 jsr MULT8 lda PROD clc adc #<3360 ; 200*16,8 STA (ZP1),Y lda PROD+1 adc #>3360 ; 200*16,8 STA (ZP2),Y INY bne .loop ;0 ist 0Hz not 200 Hz tya STA (ZP1),Y STA (ZP2),Y RTS ;--------------------------------------- Interpolate ;drawline( x0, y0, x1, y1 ) JSR GETP lda #$e8 ; inx sta mod_cy ;ax = abs(x1 - x0) sec LDA x1 sbc x0 sta ax xOK ;vy = ax / 2 lda ax lsr sta vy ;ay = abs(y1 - y0) sec LDA y1 sbc y0 sta ay bne yUngleich ;y1=y0 => sy=0 lda #$ea ;nop sta mod_cy sec yUngleich bcs yOK ;y1>y0 SEC lda #0 SBC ay STA ay ;sy = sgn(y1 - y0) lda #$CA ; dex sta mod_cy yOK ; vz = ay ; vx = ay / 2 lda ay sta vz lsr sta vx ;if ax < ay then LDA ax CMP ay BCS axgroesseray axkleineray ; if ax == 0 then ; vz = ay lda ax beq vzOK ; else ; vz = ax sta vz bne vzOK ; jmp vzOK axgroesseray ;else ax > ay ; if ay == 0 then lda ay bne vzOK ; vz = ax lda ax sta vz vzOK ldy cx ldx cy WHILE ;while cx != x1 or cy != y1 cpy x1 BNE ungleich cpx y1 BEQ LastPoint ungleich ; vx -= vz sec lda vx sbc vz sta vx ; if vx < 0 then bcs vxPlus ; vx += ay clc lda vx adc ay sta vx ; cx += sx (always 1, because ax >0) txa sta (DestTab),y iny vxPlus ; vy -= vz sec lda vy sbc vz sta vy ; if vy < 0 then bcs WHILE ; vy += ax clc lda vy adc ax sta vy ; cy += sy mod_cy inx ;or dex or nop !!! selfmodifying code ; WEND jmp WHILE LastPoint ;plot(cx,cy) txa sta (DestTab),y RTS ;=================== !zone Multiply ; MULTIPLY ROUTINE 8x8=>16 ; Akku*X -> [PRODL,PRODH] (low,hi) 16 bit result MULT8 STA MPR STX MPD CLC LDA #0 STA MPD+1 STA PROD STA PROD+1 LDX #8 .LOOP LSR MPR BCC .NOADD CLC LDA PROD ADC MPD STA PROD LDA PROD+1 ADC MPD+1 STA PROD+1 .NOADD ASL MPD ROL MPD+1 DEX BNE .LOOP RTS ; ============================ IRQ PHA TXA PHA TYA PHA LDA $dc0d ; acknowledge interrupt INC $d020 lda whichBank bne speech jmp dosilence ; on 0, no Output speech ldy irqcntlo lda irqms eor#1 sta irqms beq formantsynth ; SID-Data change every second time (10ms) jmp d418only formantsynth iny sty irqcntlo irqok LDA irqcntlo CMP irqcntmaxlo BNE irqok2 lda #0 ; IRQ has finished speaking sta whichBank jmp dosilence irqok2 lda (f1izp),y tax lda FreqTabLo,x sta $d400 lda (f1izp),y tax lda FreqTabHi,x sta $d401 lda (f2izp),y tax lda FreqTabLo,x sta $d407 lda (f2izp),y tax lda FreqTabHi,x sta $d408 lda (f3izp),y tax lda FreqTabLo,x sta $d40e lda (f3izp),y tax lda FreqTabHi,x sta $d40f lda #$00 sta $d404 sta $d40b sta $d412 lda (a1izp),y and #$f0 ;sustainlevel is amplitude sta $d406 lda (a2izp),y lsr lsr and #$f0 sta $d40d lda (a3izp),y lsr lsr and #$f0 sta $d414 clc ;If each amplitude is 0, no sound please lda (a1izp),y ora (a2izp),y ora (a3izp),y and #$f0 beq dosilence lda (avizp),y ; if AF>AV then Fricative sound (noise) cmp (afizp),y bcc noise lda #$11 !byte $2c noise lda #$81 sta $d404 sta $d40b sta $d412 d418only lda (a1izp),y ; if all is quite, disable F0 ora (a2izp),y ora (a3izp),y and #$f0 bne nosilence dosilence lda #$00 beq silence nosilence lda d418store eor #$02 ; generate F0 basesound (100 Hz) sta d418store silence sta $d418 DEC $d020 PLA ; restore MPU's registers TAY PLA TAX PLA CLI RTIADR RTI ;-------------------------------------- SIDTAB !byte 000,000,000,008,000,000,$00 ; Voice1 !byte 000,000,000,008,000,000,$00 ; Voice2 !byte 000,000,000,008,000,000,$00 ; Voice3 !byte 000,00,$00,$0f ;------------------------------------------ ;Editing Speechdata is simple, just type, what you hear, not what you write! ;e.g. "years" sounds like "yiirs" so ; !byte "y" - "a" ; !byte "i" - "a" ; !byte "i" - "a" ; !byte "r" - "a" ; !byte "s" - "a" ;since "q" sound like "kw" and "x" sounds like "ks" these characters have special meanings ; q: he (as in hello) ; x: nj (as in bang) ; c,h: no sound, short break ;Sorry, but all nasal sounds "m","n","nj" sound a bit odd ; finish each sentence with two "h"-values (!byte 7) SPEECHTAB !byte 18 ; number of bytes-1 ;Hello Breakpoint !byte 16 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 11 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 7 !byte 1 !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 10 !byte 15 !byte 14 !byte 8 !byte 13 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 18 ; number of bytes-1 ; this is radwar !byte 18 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 3 !byte 22 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 17 ; speaking on the !byte 18 !byte 15 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 10 !byte 8 !byte 23 !byte 10 !byte 7 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 13 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 15 ;c64 !byte 18 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 8 !byte 10 !byte 18 !byte 19 !byte 8 !byte 5 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 16 ;at the 4k !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 7 !byte 5 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 10 !byte 4 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 12 ;competition !byte 10 !byte 14 !byte 12 !byte 15 !byte 4 !byte 19 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 14 !byte 13 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 14 ;and we would !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 13 !byte 3 !byte 7 !byte 22 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 22 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 3 !byte 7 ;like to tell you !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 11 !byte 0 !byte 8 !byte 10 !byte 7 !byte 19 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 7 !byte 19 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 11 !byte 7 !byte 9 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 13 ;twentyfive !byte 19 !byte 22 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 13 !byte 19 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 5 !byte 0 !byte 8 !byte 22 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 10 ;years of !byte 9 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 17 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 5 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 15 ;c64 !byte 18 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 8 !byte 10 !byte 18 !byte 19 !byte 8 !byte 5 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 ;is a !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 17 ;perfect reason !byte 15 !byte 4 !byte 17 !byte 5 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 10 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 17 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 18 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 13 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 16 ;to celebrate !byte 19 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 11 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 1 !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 14 ;so we want !byte 18 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 7 !byte 22 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 22 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 13 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 16 ;to invite you !byte 19 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 7 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 13 !byte 22 !byte 0 !byte 8 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 9 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 16 ;to our next !byte 19 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 7 !byte 0 !byte 20 !byte 4 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 13 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 10 !byte 18 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 17 ;radwar party !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 3 !byte 22 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 15 !byte 0 !byte 0 !byte 17 !byte 19 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 15 ;in october 2007 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 13 !byte 7 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 10 !byte 19 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 1 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 19 !byte 19 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 18 !byte 0 !byte 20 !byte 18 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 13 !byte 3 !byte 18 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 22 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 13 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 22 ;please spread the news !byte 15 !byte 11 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 15 !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 3 !byte 7 !byte 18 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 7 !byte 13 !byte 20 !byte 20 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 19 ;for details watch !byte 5 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 3 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 19 !byte 4 !byte 8 !byte 11 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 22 !byte 14 !byte 19 !byte 18 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 19 ; !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 3 !byte 22 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 3 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 19 !byte 7 !byte 10 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 12 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 11 ; "empty sentence" !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 21 ;radwar party !byte 17 !byte 4 !byte 4 !byte 3 !byte 22 !byte 14 !byte 14 !byte 17 !byte 7 !byte 15 !byte 0 !byte 0 !byte 0 !byte 0 !byte 17 !byte 19 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 8 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 ;yeah !byte "y"-"a" !byte "i"-"a" !byte "e"-"a" !byte "e"-"a" !byte "a"-"a" !byte "a"-"a" !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 11 ; "empty sentence" !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 7 !byte 255 TIMETAB !byte 0 !byte 10 !byte 20 !byte 30 !byte 40 !byte 50 !byte 60 !byte 70 !byte 80 !byte 90 !byte 100 !byte 110 !byte 120 !byte 130 !byte 140 !byte 150 !byte 160 !byte 170 !byte 180 !byte 190 !byte 200 !byte 210 !byte 220 !byte 230 !byte 240 !byte 250 F1tab !byte 50 ;a !byte 20 ;b !byte 15 ;c !byte 1 ;d !byte 28 ;e !byte 14 ;f !byte 1 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 11 ;i !byte 6 ;j !byte 10 ;k !byte 11 ;l !byte 0;28 ;m !byte 0;28 ;n !byte 34 ;o !byte 20 ;p !byte 58 ;q (he) !byte 11 ;r !byte 12 ;s !byte 20 ;t !byte 15 ;u !byte 2 ;v !byte 9 ;w !byte 0;28 ;x (nj) !byte 6 ;y !byte 4 ;z F2tab !byte 102 ;a !byte 90 ;b !byte 160 ;c !byte 120 ;d !byte 152 ;e !byte 90 ;f !byte 179 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 182 ;i !byte 160 ;j !byte 179 ;k !byte 85 ;l !byte 107 ;m !byte 114 ;n !byte 90 ;o !byte 90 ;p !byte 152 ;q (he) !byte 86 ;r !byte 119 ;s !byte 140 ;t !byte 105 ;u !byte 90 ;v !byte 41 ;w !byte 140 ;x (nj) !byte 187 ;y !byte 119 ;z F3tab !byte 240 ;a !byte 195 ;b !byte 255 ;c !byte 250 ;d !byte 232 ;e !byte 188 ;f !byte 255 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 255 ;i !byte 255 ;j !byte 255 ;k !byte 255 ;l !byte 193 ;m !byte 227 ;n !byte 210 ;o !byte 195 ;p !byte 232 ;q (he) !byte 118 ;r !byte 233 ;s !byte 240 ;t !byte 200 ;u !byte 188 ;v !byte 195 ;w !byte 185 ;x (nj) !byte 255 ;y !byte 233 ;z AVtab !byte 240 ;a !byte 80 ;b !byte 0 ;c !byte 80 ;d !byte 240 ;e !byte 0 ;f !byte 80 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 240 ;i !byte 148 ;j !byte 0 ;k !byte 200 ;l !byte 160 ;m !byte 160 ;n !byte 240 ;o !byte 0 ;p !byte 0 ;q (he) !byte 200 ;r !byte 0 ;s !byte 0 ;t !byte 240 ;u !byte 188 ;v !byte 200 ;w !byte 0 ;x (nj) !byte 200 ;y !byte 188 ;z AFtab !byte 0 ;a !byte 0 ;b !byte 40 ;c !byte 0 ;d !byte 0 ;e !byte 80 ;f !byte 0 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 0 ;i !byte 40 ;j !byte 0 ;k !byte 0 ;l !byte 0 ;m !byte 0 ;n !byte 0 ;o !byte 0 ;p !byte 200 ;q (he) !byte 0 ;r !byte 80 ;s !byte 00 ;t !byte 0 ;u !byte 80 ;v !byte 0 ;w !byte 0 ;x (nj) !byte 0 ;y !byte 80 ;z A1tab !byte 240 ;a !byte 80 ;b !byte 0 ;c !byte 0 ;d !byte 240 ;e !byte 128 ;f !byte 0 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 240 ;i !byte 0 ;j !byte 0 ;k !byte 200 ;l !byte 160 ;m !byte 160 ;n !byte 240 ;o !byte 0 ;p !byte 16 ;q (he) !byte 200 ;r !byte 0 ;s !byte 0 ;t !byte 240 ;u !byte 0 ;v !byte 200 ;w !byte 240 ;x (nj) !byte 200 ;y !byte 0 ;z A2tab !byte 240 ;a !byte 80 ;b !byte 0 ;c !byte 0 ;d !byte 240 ;e !byte 128 ;f !byte 120 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 240 ;i !byte 0 ;j !byte 0 ;k !byte 200 ;l !byte 160 ;m !byte 160 ;n !byte 240 ;o !byte 0 ;p !byte 0 ;q (he) !byte 200 ;r !byte 64 ;s !byte 0 ;t !byte 240 ;u !byte 0 ;v !byte 200 ;w !byte 240 ;x (nj) !byte 200 ;y !byte 0 ;z A3tab !byte 240 ;a !byte 80 ;b !byte 88 ;c !byte 92 ;d !byte 240 ;e !byte 128 ;f !byte 108 ;g !byte 0 ;h !byte 240 ;i !byte 88 ;j !byte 0 ;k !byte 200 ;l !byte 160 ;m !byte 160 ;n !byte 240 ;o !byte 0 ;p !byte 16 ;q (he) !byte 200 ;r !byte 128 ;s !byte 0 ;t !byte 240 ;u !byte 0 ;v !byte 200 ;w !byte 240 ;x (nj) !byte 200 ;y !byte 0 ;z ;--------------------------------------------- FREQTABLES = *
base/formant.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by