FPP - by repeating the last line
Here follows a code example of FPP by repeating the last line of a char. The advantage of repeating the last line is the possibility of opening the sideborder, and having more time on each line. The drawback is less amount of usable graphic lines, only 8 lines per video-bank.
*= $0900 sei ldx #0 ; Put some crap data to make empty graphic banks visible b_1 lda #$f3 sta $2000,x lda #$28 sta $2100,x lda #$ad sta $2800,x lda #$99 sta $2900,x lda #$71 sta $3000,x lda #$ed sta $3100,x lda #$3b sta $3800,x lda #$cc sta $3900,x inx bne b_1 loop1 bit $d011 ; Wait for new frame bpl *-3 bit $d011 bmi *-3 lda #$1b ; Set y-scroll to normal position sta $d011 lda #$17 ; Set normal d018 sta $d018 jsr SetupD018Table ; Nice FPS-effect lda #$51 ; Wait for position where we want FPD to start cmp $d012 bne *-3 ldy #10 ; Wait one more line.. dey bne *-1 nop nop cmp $d012 ; ..and make a bit more stabel raster bne *+5 bit 0 nop nop ldx #0 ; Clear counter loop2 ldy #5 ; Wait some cycles dey bne *-1 nop nop nop nop ldy D018Table,x lda $d012 and #7 ora #$18 sta $d011 ; Do one line of linecrunch sty $d018 ; Set graphics bank of next line inx cpx #100 beq loop1 ; Exit if end is reached jmp loop2 ; Otherwise loop SetupD018Table lda #0 ; First clear the table ldy #0 sta D018Table,y iny bne *-4 lda #0 ; Increase the starting value inc *-1 asl sta AddVal lda #$10 ; Set starting position of stretch-effect sta YPos ldx #0 ldy #0 ; This loop will calculate 8 different d018-values into the table.. ; Each value will be stretched down from the position of the last value ; and thus simulate a stretcher effect (FPS). SDT_1 lda AddVal clc adc #10 sta AddVal bpl *+4 eor #$ff lsr lsr lsr lsr sec adc YPos sta YPos tya asl SDT_2 sta D018Table,x inx cpx YPos bcc SDT_2 iny cpy #8 bcc SDT_1 rts YPos .byte 0 AddVal .byte 0 .align $100 ; Align the table to a new page, this way lda D018Table,x always takes 4 cycles. D018Table .dsb 100,0 ; Reserve 100 bytes for the table
base/fpp-last-line.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by