Microtracker V1.0
By The Syndrom
I coded this player when Crossbow made an incredible demopart using almost every rasterline (some multiplexer) and we talked about being able to have 'full featured' music within just 5 or 6 rasterlines. This was the result.
As I lost my original sourcedisks, I disassembled one of my tunes using Slammers great kickassembler. Sorry for lousy commenting. There's no editor for that player yet, but who needs that anyway… Feel free to improve the player even more, but please tell me about it
/*microtracker v1.0 by the Syndrom/TIA/Crest*/ .pc =$0801 "Basic Upstart Program" .var startup=$0900 :BasicUpstart(startup) //---------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------- // Simple IRQ //---------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------- .pc = startup "Main Program" lda #$00 sta $d020 sta $d021 lda #$00 jsr musicinit // init music jsr $e544 sei lda #<irq1 sta $0314 lda #>irq1 sta $0315 asl $d019 lda #$7b sta $dc0d lda #$81 sta $d01a lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$80 sta $d012 cli this: jmp this //---------------------------------------------------------- irq1: asl $d019 :SetBorderColor(2) lda $d012 sta timer jsr musicplay // play music lda $d012 sec sbc timer clc adc #$30 cmp $0400 bcc notbigger sta $0400 notbigger: :SetBorderColor(0) pla tay pla tax pla rti timer: .byte $00 .macro SetBorderColor(color) { lda #color sta $d020 } .pc = $1000 musicinit: jmp init musicplay: jmp play .var hardrestartcounter=3 hardrestartindex: //value to put into wave in hardrestartframes (from right to left) .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .text "player and music by the syndrom!" //zeropage-variables //uses $30-$47 by default - if you have to split, insert new calculation inbetween (i=$xx) .var i =$30 .var voice1pointer=i .var voice2pointer=[i=i+2] .var voice3pointer=[i=i+2] .var sound1pointer=[i=i+2] .var sound2pointer=[i=i+2] .var sound3pointer=[i=i+2] .var duration1=[i=i+2] .var duration2=[i=i+1] .var duration3=[i=i+1] .var sound1index=[i=i+1] .var note3=[i=i+1] .var sound2index=[i=i+1] .var note2=[i=i+1] .var sound3index=[i=i+1] .var pulsecontrol=[i=i+1] .var vibratopointer=[i=i+1] .var vibratoindex=[i=i+2] init: ldy #$18 //clear the sid lda #$00 loop1: sta $d400,y dey bpl loop1 ldy #$0e ldx #$02 loop2: lda pulseinit,x //pulsehigh ??? sta $d403,y lda waveinit,x sta $d404,y //wave lda #$00 sta $d405,y //attack lda #$01 sta duration1,x lda voiceinit,x sta voice1pointer,x lda voiceinit+3,x sta voice1pointer+3,x lda sidvalues,x sta $d416,x tya sec sbc #$07 tay dex bpl loop2 rts pulseinit: //? .byte $08,$03,$03 waveinit: .byte $08,$08,$08 voiceinit: .word voice1 .word voice2 .word voice3 voiceloop: .word voice1loop .word voice2loop .word voice3loop sidvalues: .byte $00,$f4,$1f play: ldx #$00 dec duration1 beq branch1 lda duration1 cmp #hardrestartcounter bcs branch2 stx $d405 stx $d406 stx $d404 jmp branch1109 branch1: ldy #$00 //voice1 lda (voice1pointer),y sta sound1pointer iny lda (voice1pointer),y beq restartmusic sta sound1pointer+1 iny lda (voice1pointer),y sta duration1 lda voice1pointer clc adc #$03 sta voice1pointer lda voice1pointer+1 adc #$00 sta voice1pointer+1 ldy #$00 lda (sound1pointer),y sta $d406 sty $d405 iny sty $d404 sty sound1index jmp branch1109 restartmusic: ldx #$02 loop3: lda voiceloop,x sta voice1pointer,x lda voiceloop+3,x sta voice1pointer+3,x lda #$01 sta duration1,x dex bpl loop3 lda #$08 sta $d404 sta $d40b sta $d412 rts branch2:/*10f7*/ldy sound1index lda (sound1pointer),y beq branch1109 sta $d401 iny lda (sound1pointer),y sta $d404 iny sty sound1index branch1109: dec duration3 //voice3 beq branch111c lda duration3 cmp #hardrestartcounter bcs branch1151 stx $d405 stx $d406 stx $d404 jmp branch1185 branch111c: ldy #$00 lda (voice3pointer),y sta sound3pointer iny lda (voice3pointer),y sta sound3pointer+1 iny lda (voice3pointer),y sta duration3 iny lda (voice3pointer),y sta note3 lda voice3pointer clc adc #$04 sta voice3pointer lda voice3pointer+1 adc #$00 sta voice3pointer+1 ldy #$00 lda (sound3pointer),y sta $d414 //sr sty $d413 //ad iny sty $d412 //wave sty sound3index jmp branch1185 branch1151: ldy sound3index lda (sound3pointer),y beq branch115e cmp #$ff bne branch1166 jmp branch1185 branch115e: iny lda (sound3pointer),y sta sound3index tay lda (sound3pointer),y branch1166: sta $d416 //filter iny lda (sound3pointer),y sta $d412 //wave iny lda (sound3pointer),y iny sty sound3index clc adc note3 tay lda freqhi,y sta $d40f lda freqlo,y sta $d40e branch1185: dec duration2 //voice2 beq branch1196 lda duration2 cmp #hardrestartcounter bcs branch11da stx $d405 stx $d406 stx $d404 rts branch1196: ldy #$00 lda (voice2pointer),y sta sound2pointer iny lda (voice2pointer),y sta sound2pointer+1 iny lda (voice2pointer),y sta duration2 iny lda (voice2pointer),y sta note2 lda voice2pointer clc adc #$04 sta voice2pointer lda voice2pointer+1 adc #$00 sta voice2pointer+1 ldy #$00 sty vibratoindex lda (sound2pointer),y sta $d40d //sr sty $d40c //ad iny sty $d40b //wave lda (sound2pointer),y sta pulsecontrol iny lda (sound2pointer),y sta vibratopointer iny lda (sound2pointer),y sta vibratopointer+1 iny sty sound2index rts branch11da: ldy sound2index lda (sound2pointer),y beq branch11e5 cmp #$ff bne branch11ed rts branch11e5: iny lda(sound2pointer),y sta sound2index tay lda (sound2pointer),y branch11ed: sta $d40b //wave lda pulsecontrol beq branch1200 iny lda (sound2pointer),y sta $d409 //pulselow iny lda (sound2pointer),y sta $d40a //pulsehigh branch1200: iny lda (sound2pointer),y iny sty sound2index clc adc note2 tax lda freqlo,x ldy vibratoindex iny clc adc (vibratopointer),y sta $d407 dey lda freqhi,x adc (vibratopointer),y sta $d408 iny iny lda (vibratopointer),y cmp #$80 beq branch122a sty vibratoindex rts branch122a: iny lda (vibratopointer),y sta vibratoindex rts branch1230: sta $d407 //obsolete ? lda freqhi,x sta $d408 rts freqlo: .byte $0c,$1c,$2d,$3e,$47,$66,$7b,$91 .byte $a9,$c3,$dd,$fa,$18,$38,$5a,$7d .byte $a3,$cc,$f6,$23,$53,$86,$bb,$f4 .byte $30,$70,$b4,$fb,$47,$98,$ed,$47 .byte $a7,$0c,$77,$e9,$61,$e1,$68,$f7 .byte $8f,$30,$da,$8f,$4e,$18,$ef,$d2 .byte $c3,$c3,$d1,$ef,$1f,$60,$b5,$1e .byte $9c,$31,$df,$a5,$87,$86,$a2,$df .byte $3e,$c1,$6b,$3c,$39,$63,$be,$4b .byte $0f,$0c,$45,$bf,$7d,$83,$d6,$79 .byte $73,$c7,$7c,$97,$1e,$18,$8b,$7e .byte $fa,$06,$ac,$f3,$e6,$8f,$f8,$fc freqhi: .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$02,$02,$02,$02 .byte $02,$02,$02,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03 .byte $04,$04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$06 .byte $06,$07,$07,$07,$08,$08,$09,$09 .byte $0a,$0b,$0b,$0c,$0d,$0e,$0e,$0f .byte $10,$11,$12,$13,$15,$16,$17,$19 .byte $1a,$1c,$1d,$1f,$21,$23,$25,$27 .byte $2a,$2c,$2f,$32,$35,$38,$3b,$3f .byte $43,$47,$4b,$4f,$54,$59,$5e,$64 .byte $6a,$70,$77,$7e,$86,$8e,$96,$9f .byte $a8,$b3,$bd,$c8,$d4,$e1,$ee,$fd //------------------------------------------------------------ //sounddata //format voice1 (Drumtrack): //.byte SR Value //.byte Freqhi,wave //.byte Freqhi,wave - if freqhi=0 -> end of sound basedrum: //basedrum .byte $f7,$dd,$81,$0c,$11,$0a,$11,$08,$11,$06,$10,$03,$10,$00 snare: .byte $f9,$fc,$81,$0e,$41,$5c,$81,$0d,$40,$80,$3c,$0a,$40,$3b,$80,$00 hihat: .byte $84,$fe,$81,$d0,$80,$a0,$80,$00 //------------------------------------------------------------ //format voice2 (vibratotrack): //first frame //.byte SR Value //.byte pulsecontrol =$0 -> pulse off, other -> pulse on //.word vibratooffset //following frames //.byte wave =$0 -> next byte is loopindex, =$FF -> end //.byte noteoffset //if pulse = on //.byte wave,pulselow,pulsehigh,noteoffset silence02: //silence .byte $00,$00 .word novibrato .byte $08,$00,$ff chord: .byte $6a,$01 .word novibrato .byte $41,$00,$04,$00 .byte $41,$20,$04,$00 .byte $40,$40,$04,$00 .byte $40,$60,$04,$07 .byte $40,$80,$04,$07 .byte $40,$60,$04,$07 .byte $40,$40,$04,$0c .byte $40,$20,$04,$0c .byte $40,$00,$04,$0c .byte $40,$00,$04,$00 .byte $40,$20,$04,$00 .byte $00,$0c chord1: .byte $6a,$01 .word novibrato .byte $41,$00,$04,$00 .byte $41,$20,$04,$00 .byte $40,$40,$04,$00 .byte $40,$60,$04,$07 .byte $40,$80,$04,$07 .byte $40,$60,$04,$07 .byte $40,$40,$04,$0a .byte $40,$20,$04,$0a .byte $40,$00,$04,$0a .byte $40,$00,$04,$00 .byte $40,$20,$04,$00 .byte $00,$0c chord2: .byte $6a,$01 .word novibrato .byte $41,$00,$04,$02 .byte $41,$20,$04,$02 .byte $40,$40,$04,$02 .byte $40,$60,$04,$07 .byte $40,$80,$04,$07 .byte $40,$60,$04,$07 .byte $40,$40,$04,$0e .byte $40,$20,$04,$0e .byte $40,$00,$04,$0e .byte $40,$00,$04,$02 .byte $40,$20,$04,$02 .byte $00,$0c //------------------------------------------------------------ //format voice3 (filtertrack): //first frame //.byte SR Value //following frames //.byte Filterhigh,wave,noteoffset //note: if filterhigh=$00, next byte is loopindex. if filterhigh=$ff ->end silence03: //silence .byte $00 .byte $fe,$08,$00 .byte $ff filterbass: .byte $b9 .byte $f0,$41,$00 .byte $a0,$41,$00 .byte $50,$41,$00 .byte $20,$41,$00 .byte $18,$41,$01 .byte $14,$41,$00 .byte $10,$41,$00 .byte $0c,$40,$ff .byte $08,$40,$00 .byte $ff //------------------------------------------------------------ //vibratotable //.byte addvalue-high,addvalue-low if highbyte=$80 -> next byte=loopindex novibrato: //empty .byte $00,$00,$80,$00 //------------------------------------------------------------ //musicdata voice1: voice1loop: //format .word soundoffset, .byte duration if soundoffset=0000 then loop //simple rythm //------------- .word basedrum .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 .word snare .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 //simple rythm //------------- .word basedrum .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 .word snare .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 //simple rythm //------------- .word basedrum .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 .word snare .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 //simple rythm+doublesnare //------------- .word basedrum .byte $0c .word hihat .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 .word snare .byte $06 .word snare .byte $06 .word hihat .byte $06 .word snare .byte $06 .word $0000 //------------------------------------------------------------ voice2: voice2loop: //format .word soundoffset, .byte duration,note .word silence02 .byte $0c,$00 .word chord .byte $24,$34 .word chord1 .byte $30,$34 .word silence02 .byte $0c,$00 .word chord .byte $24,$2d .word chord2 .byte $30,$2d //------------------------------------------------------------ voice3: voice3loop: //format .word soundoffset, .byte duration,note .word filterbass .byte $12,$1c .word filterbass .byte $12,$1c .word filterbass .byte $0c,$1a .word filterbass .byte $12,$17 .word silence03 .byte $1e,$00 .word filterbass .byte $12,$15 .word filterbass .byte $12,$15 .word filterbass .byte $0c,$17 .word filterbass .byte $12,$10 .word silence03 .byte $1e,$00
base/microtracker_v1.0.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by