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Simple parallax shifting
by Achim
A parallax effect can be achieved by shifting bits and bytes of one char or a pattern of chars, e. g. 2×2 tiles, corresponding to the soft scroll registers ($d016 & $d011).
This effect can be seen in numerous games (e.g. Bounder, Parallax, Marauder etc.). Here's a small example for a 2×2 tile, hires.
Example 2×2 tile with chars A, B, C, and D.
To make this tile scroll left/right or up/down four shifting routines are necessary.
1. Shifting bits left/right
In mc-mode these loops have to be called twice per frame.
Scroll tile to the left
ldx #$00 loop1: lda charB,x ;bit7 charB -> carry asl rol charA,x ;carry -> bit0 charA rol charB,x ;bit7 charA -> bit0 charB lda charC,x ;same here with C and D asl rol charD,x rol charC,x inx cpx #$08 bne loop1 rts
Scroll tile to the right
ldx #$00 loop2: lda charA,x ;bit0 charA -> carry lsr ror charB,x ;carry -> bit7 charB ror charA,x ;bit0 charB -> bit7 charA lda charC,x ;same here with C and D lsr ror charD,x ror charC,x inx cpx #$08 bne loop2 rts
2. Shifting bytes up/down
Scroll tile up.
lda charA ;save byte0 charA pha lda charC ;save byte0 charC pha ldx #$00 loop3a: lda charA+1,x sta charA,x lda charC+1,x sta charC,x inx cpx #$07 bne loop3a pla sta charA+7 ;byte0 charC -> byte7 charA pla sta charC+7 ;byte0 charA -> byte7 charC lda charB ;same here with B and D pha lda charD pha ldx #$00 loop3b: lda charB+1,x sta charB,x lda charD+1,x sta charD,x inx cpx #$07 bne loop3b pla sta charB+7 pla sta charD+7 rts
Scroll tile down.
lda charC+7 pha lda charA+7 pha ldx #$06 loop4a: lda charC,x sta charC+1,x lda charA,x sta charA+1,x dex bpl loop4a pla sta charC pla sta charA lda charD+7 pha lda charB+7 pha ldx #$06 loop4b: lda charD,x sta charD+1,x lda charB,x sta charB+1,x dex bpl loop4b pla sta charD pla sta charB rts
3. How to
These shifting routines can be used in different ways depending on what kind of parallax effect you want to achieve. A tile like this can now be put anywhere on the map. To make the tile look fixed while the background graphics are scrolling (e.g. Marauder) the main program has to call the inverse shifting routine:
background scrolling left > tile scrolling right (and vice versa)
Another very common effect is to make the tile scroll slower than the background (e.g. Parallax or Bounder). In this case the inverse scroll direction has to be called every second frame.
Here's a tiny example with tiles in the background scrolled slower: