Virgin Tape Transfer 1.0
;--------------------------------------- ;Virgin Tape Transfer 1.0 ; ;(C) 2005 Nostalgia ; ;By Fungus / Nostalgia ;--------------------------------------- *= $0801 .byte $08,$0b,$d5,$07,$9e .byte $32,$30,$36,$31,$00 .byte $00,$00 cd = $03 ;--------------------------------------- ;header composition ; ;f7 = file number ;f8 = d011 control ;f9 = load address lo ;fa = load address hi ;fb = end address lo ;fc = end address hi ;fd = jsr/jmp address lo ;fe = jsr/jmp address hi buffer = $0800 lda $ba sta cd ;save current ;disk drive lda #$0b ;setup sta $d011 lda #$c1 ;no nmi sta $0318 lda #$80 sta $0291 ;no char shift lda #$17 sta $d018 ;this set lda #$00 sta $9d ;no msgs sta $d020 sta $d021 lda #$2f ;i/o config sta $00 ;bit 4 = input lda $01 and #$07 ;mem config ora #$20 ;motor off sta $01 lda #$00 sta $0289 ;no keys sta $0286 lda #$93 jsr $ffd2 ;clr screen ldx #$00 ;print msg 1 pm1 lda $0b40,x sta $0400,x lda #$05 sta $d800,x inx cpx #$a0 bne pm1 lda #$1b ;screen on sta $d011 wplay lda $01 ;wait for play and #$10 bne wplay ldx #$00 xl lda loader1,x sta $04a0,x lda loader1+$0100,x sta $05a0,x lda loader1+$0200,x sta $06a0,x inx bne xl jmp $04a0 ;begin real loader ;--------------------------------------- ;virgin tape routine loader1 = * *= $04a0 .offs loader1-* cli jsr loadhead jsr namefile moreload jsr putindex jsr printload jsr printname jsr load jsr save jmp moreload load sei lda #$7f sta $dd0d sta $dc0d lda $dd0d lda $dc0d lda #$00 sta $c0 ;in byte sta $02 ;chksum ;set load buffer lda #<buffer sta $ae lda #>buffer sta $af lda #$05 ;motor on/roms out sta $01 lda #$5e ;015e threshold sta $dd04 lda #$01 sta $dd05 lda #$19 ;cnt cycles, 1 shot sta $dd0e resync lda #$40 sta $c1 ;pilot countdown bne wsync2 wsync1 jsr getbit wsync2 jsr getbit ;pilot cmp #$aa bne resync dec $c1 bne wsync1 wsync3 jsr getbit ;sync jsr getbit lsr a bcs resync cmp #$50 bne wsync3 ldy #$00 ;get header readhdr jsr getbyte sta $f7,y ;header sta $07,y ;header copy iny cpy #$08 bne readhdr ldy #$00 loadloop jsr getbyte ;load loop dec $01 sta ($ae),y inc $01 eor $02 sta $02 inc $ae ;real load addy bne skip1 inc $af skip1 inc $f9 ;emulated load addy bne skip2 inc $d020 ;load effect 2 inc $fa skip2 lda $fa cmp $fc bne loadloop lda $f9 cmp $fb bne loadloop jsr getbyte ;check checksum cmp $02 beq loadok jmp loaderr loadok lda #$00 ;timer off sta $dd0e lda #$37 ;motor off/roms in sta $01 cli rts getbyte lda #$01 ;fetch a byte sta $c0 bitget jsr getbit bcc bitget rts getbit lda #$10 wbit bit $dc0d ;wait flag line beq wbit lsr $dd0d ;get bit rol $c0 lda #$19 sta $dd0e ;restart countdown lda $d020 ;load effect 1 eor #$05 sta $d020 lda $c0 ;get current byte rts ;--------------------------------------- ;load header loadhead lda #$01 ;open tape file tax tay jsr $ffba lda #$00 jsr $ffbd lda #$00 sta $c0 sta $93 jsr $f7d7 ;load header/file jsr $f84f lda $01 ;motor off ora #$20 sta $01 rts ;--------------------------------------- ;save routine save lda #$00 ;save file sta $d020 ;border = black sta resave+$01 lda #$1b sta $d011 ;screen on lda #<buffer sta $fb ;init save addy lda #>buffer sta $fc jsr printsave lda #$01 ;open file for ldx cd ;write ldy #$01 jsr $ffba ;setlfs lda #$10 ldx #<filename ldy #>filename jsr $ffbd ;setname jsr $ffc0 ;open ldx #$01 jsr $ffc9 ;chkout lda $09 ;start addy low jsr $ffa8 ;send lda $0a ;start addy high jsr $ffa8 ;send ldy #$00 ;save the file saveb sei inc $01 lda ($fb),y dec $01 jsr $ffa8 inc $d020 dec $d020 inc $fb bne asave inc $fc asave lda $fc cmp $af bne saveb lda $fb cmp $ae bne saveb lda #$01 jsr $ffc3 ;close the file lda #$01 jsr $ffc3 ;close the file jsr chkerr resave lda #$00 bne save rts chkerr lda #$00 jsr $ffbd lda #$0f tay ldx cd jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 lda cd jsr $ffb4 ;talk lda #$6f jsr $ff96 ;tlksa jsr $ffa5 cmp #$30 beq noerr inc resave+$01 noerr jsr $ffa5 cmp #$0d bne noerr jsr $ffab ;untlk lda #$0f jsr $ffc3 lda resave+$01 bne waitsave rts waitsave ldx #$07 fl lda ft,x and #$3f sta $0478,x dex bpl fl loopsave lda $d020 eor #$06 sta $d020 lda #$ef cmp $dc01 bne loopsave lda #$00 sta $d020 rts ;--------------------------------------- ;utility subroutines loaderr ;print tape load ;error msg ldx #$17 perr1 lda et1,x and #$3f sta $0478,x dex bpl perr1 lda $d020 endloop eor #$02 sta $d020 jmp endloop ;endless loop printload ldx #$07 ;print loading ll lda lt,x ;text and #$3f sta $0478,x dex bpl ll rts printsave ldx #$07 dl lda st,x ;print save text and #$3f sta $0478,x dex bpl dl rts printname ldx #$0f ;print name ln lda filename,x and #$7f sta filename,x and #$3f sta $0480,x dex bpl ln rts putindex lda fileidx inc fileidx pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a jsr convert1 sta filename+$0e pla and #$0f jsr convert1 sta filename+$0f rts convert1 ora #$30 cmp #$3a bcc convert2 adc #$06 convert2 rts namefile lda #$20 ldx #$0f clrname sta filename,x dex bpl clrname namer ldy #$00 ;name file ldx #$00 dname lda $0341,y beq skip cmp #$20 beq putname cmp #$41 ;less than A bcc check2 cmp #$5b ;more than Z bcs skip bcc putname check2 cmp #$30 ;less than 0 bcc skip cmp #$3a ;more than 9 bcs skip putname sta filename,x inx skip iny cpy #$10 bne dname rts ;--------------------------------------- ;Transfer Messages fileidx .byte $00 et1 .text "Load Error! " .text " " ft .text "DiskFull" lt .text "Loading " st .text "Saving " filename .text " "
base/virgin_tape_transfer_1.0.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:34 by